There is one job that if free from the lay offs. The Magazine Separator.
The duties are listed in the new ORG book
There is one job that if free from the lay offs. The Magazine Separator.
The duties are listed in the new ORG book
from the watchtower november 15 study edition.. 19 when we are being represented in public prayer, we need to display reverential "fear of god.
" (1 pet 2:17) there may be a proper time and place for some actions that would be inappropriate at a christian meeting.
(eccl 3:1) for instance, suppose someone sought to have all in a group link arms or hold hands during prayer.
stopped in tim horton's ( a donut shop) at 10:00 a m today and there were no less than 12 jws in there from three different car groups.
it took about 25-30 minutes for them all to get their orders and get on their way.
that's almost 6 hours of service time in the glorious 'ministry'.
stopped in tim horton's ( a donut shop) at 10:00 a m today and there were no less than 12 jws in there from three different car groups.
it took about 25-30 minutes for them all to get their orders and get on their way.
that's almost 6 hours of service time in the glorious 'ministry'.
it is evident that the w.t has recently re-branded itself, and has become fairly modern in its marketing techniques.
so the organisation is in that respect forward thinking, and the former way of doing things has past.. .
but this rebranding has been done by marketing experts, who maybe realise progress is progress, and that with modernisation many bethelites " even as free volunteers" are possibly no longer required.
If you went back 10 years ago, you got the message, "Stop slacking you dead beats, Get out in Service. Don't you know the end is near?"
Now the message is, " Keep those contributions coming, Don't you know it cost money for Warwick, JW Broadcasting, Internet, etc?"
a norwegian regional newspaper published an article on a circuit assembly day of jws (including a photo) some weeks ago.
following that, a df woman was interviewed in another article.. following up on that, this editorial was written and published ..
jehovah's witnesses are one of them.
from the october 19 letter to the body of elders:.
to all bodies of eldersre: service meeting part for week of december 21, 2015dear brothers:the service meeting for the week of december 21, 2015, includes a ten-minute part entitledshow appreciation for jehovahs generosity.
this is to be a talk based on the november15, 2015, watchtower, pages 14-15. sometime during this part, the video a gift in hand to jehovahshould be played for the congregation.
tight pants, colored socks, blue shirts, beards, wire -rimmed glasses... .
does anybody remember any thing else that was once or still is proscribed against faithful j-dubs?
when brothers in our kh started wearing different colored shirts rather than white, it caused a great stir and ruckus.
I got in trouble for wearing long hair (Just upto the upper tip of my ear)
Silk shirts (Purple Haze)
Bell Bottoms.
was speaking with someone last night who just recently toured the us bethel's.
the brooklyn tour i heard was awful, very limited and disappointing and conducted by a local pioneer and not even a bethelite.
well from what they are telling the folks on the tour since the tm3 bit encouraging (guilting) people about going to disneyland on vacation when you haven't visited bethel, monthly tours went from 6000 to 16000!
was speaking with someone last night who just recently toured the us bethel's.
the brooklyn tour i heard was awful, very limited and disappointing and conducted by a local pioneer and not even a bethelite.
well from what they are telling the folks on the tour since the tm3 bit encouraging (guilting) people about going to disneyland on vacation when you haven't visited bethel, monthly tours went from 6000 to 16000!
At least I can wear my shorts at Disney Land. I recently did do a Bethel tour and I would recommend it. It's not going to blow your mind, and no, the contribution boxes are not overly displayed. The talk is about the budget and the Lay-offs and I found the Tour guides free to express themselves. about the uncertainty. The Guides we had were Bethelites and they were awesome.