JoinedPosts by Quarterback
RC 2016 Leaks & Releases
by wifibandit inin an effort to reduce the number of posts, this year i will try to add links to this post.
now, on with the leaks & releases!
first up.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nzvwhflss4.
I do remember that episode, too. Very good comparaison, Sparky -
Full Regional Convention 2016 Outlines Leak in Spanish
by wifibandit inthe full program has been leaked in spanish.. http://www.extj.com/showthread.php?27685-juego-de-bosquejos-de-discursos-de-la-asamblea-regional-2016.
here is my back up, including the files already extracted: link.
i have yet to read it.
Wow, Wifi, you're amazing -
What will be the Next Flip Flop?
by Quarterback innow that the soc has accepted the use of technology.
what is next?
could it be the disfellowshipping?
I guess that brochure released last summer on inactive ones is dead in the water -
What will be the Next Flip Flop?
by Quarterback innow that the soc has accepted the use of technology.
what is next?
could it be the disfellowshipping?
Now that the Soc has accepted the use of Technology. what is next? Could it be the Disfellowshipping? -
Use of Tablets During Meeting
by Simon Templar inas i seem to remember, in april 2010 i bought one of the first ipads.
i saw the virtue of using it immediately.
it was wifi.
Yes I remember this happening with us too. I remember the DO slamming the use of Technology. I think I bought my Ipad 4 yrs ago, and some in the cong had some looks at me. We went through a stage of plugging the big Bible, and Elders should use them, then the frigging Big Bibles became too heavy and ackward.
God’s Kingdom Rules! to Be Considered at Congregation Bible Study
by wifibandit inapril 26, 2016 to all congregations re: god’s kingdom rules!
to be considered at congregation bible study .
Thanks, Wifi -
The Anti Christ has a better hair cut. -
Are JWs now encouraged to volunteer?
by Athanasius inafter i retired i volunteered for several community service programs, including working with the local food bank.
every fourth thursday of each month i help out in distributing food to needy families at the local veterans building.
i've been helping out for five years now.
Good for him. I know some JW's that volunter for Cancer victims, and other health organizations. -
May 17, 2002 TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS IN MASSACHUSETTS Re: Amendment to Massachusetts Child Abuse Reporting Statute
by wifibandit inmay 17, 2002 to all bodies of elders in massachusetts re: amendment to massachusetts child abuse reporting statute
interesting, Thanks Wifi -
The Branch will reveal a plan to build a new KH on a lot they purchased in Strawberry Fields. Construction will start at the opening up the Abby Road. They decided not to continue with plans in Penny Lane. In that nehbourhood the barber never wears a mack. A meal will be provided for the workers, consisting of little piggies.