That is tough bro, through many conversations with my relative, she shares many of my concerns about the org. She is beholden to the group though because "they do so much good" The bigger draw though is her ENTIRE social structure is in the org. So even though she has many concerns and realizes that the gb is about as inspired as the pope she will not read any of Franz books. She says she wants to be able to be truthful when/if the conversation ever comes up with the elders. (ref not reading aspostate literature)
I suppose one day she may feel comfortable reading one of the books. I started with her by just getting copies of old literature. She would then verify the info at a friends house who has an entire library of old russel era books. She couldnt beleive all the bat shit crazy things in them. I suppose it helps though that she had already started to question the mediator only for the 144000.
Good luck, plant as may seeds as you can