otwo... that site is awesome!! Guys, go back and hover over the symbols next to the usernames!
That is funny shiite
me: well it's kinda complicated.
they think god exists according to various beliefs, but that he is all powerful and does all that is best for everyone.. (she collapsed in laughter at this for a full 2 minutes then composed herself).
mary: so they really think he is all powerful and uses his power to do what is best for everyone?.
otwo... that site is awesome!! Guys, go back and hover over the symbols next to the usernames!
That is funny shiite
i am looking for court cases and news reports on underage children being denied blood transfusions and as a result either having the court intervene or death.
any report especially 2008-2011 will work very well.. also any jw publication that says jw's die rather than accepting blood.
also any jw publication that encourages this practice in regards children especially official documents and recent publications (2005-2011 or whenever the last doctrinal change was).. .
anony... I am currently going thru a court custody battle with my jw ex. I am a da'd aspostate. My trial is actually coming up next month after a long process of first trying to work with her directly and then court appointed mediators (2), a guardian ad litum and now the trial.
I feel the initial emotional reaction is to try to get full custody and stop your child from ever stepping foot into a kingdom hall. I think that is the wrong course to take. Besides the extra burden that full custody will require as far as a time committment, $ committment and proving the JW's are a imminent daily threat is not easy and you certainly dont want to make the religion the "forbidden fruit"
The route I am taking is that my ex is a good mother. I am a good father. I want joint custody and 50/50 placement. I want impasse-breaking authority on medical decisions (i am fine with bloodless alternatives) so that when it comes down to it my kid will get any and all available treatments. I also am asking for impasse-breaking authority on all curricular and extra-curricular activities. I think you said your child was pretty young but as the father all you have to do is get your kids interested in the many opportunities and experiences of school. Throw birthday parties, get a christmas tree, let them participate in boy/girl scouts, sports. Anything they want to try, let them! The best way to really get your kids to not grow up to be a jw is to not raise them as one! My opinion is if JW kids are raised in a bubble it will make sense, if you pop the bubble they will not choose it! POP THE BUBBLE! If they are raised by their mother as a JW and you are allowing them to have a normal life then they will not choose the JW lifestyle.
Get copies of mags and brochures that talk about how bad sports are. Show the judge that you only want whats in the best interest of the children. Show them that you want them to have a well rounded fully involved child. Do not go in guns blazing about how destructive the JW's are because it is not going to work.
Go thru mediation first! Calmly explain how concerned you are that your children will not be allowed to participate in school activities. Tell the mediator that you are not opposed to bloodless alternatives. Tell them that your child deserves to see both mother and father as much as possible given the situation (50/50)
I could go on and on because i am going thru it right now. Hit me up on pm if you have any more questions.
good luck
from the grat wikipedia (long may it live).
in 1993, mathematician gordon ritchie requested baptism by jehovah's witnesses and almost immediately began advocating disagreements with their teachings.
he claims he was expelled for apostasy in march 1996.
Hey yoorww, as you are leaving my house are you saying "I am going to have that house after armageddon! Its nice."
Bro, cmon... I am giving you sh#t, same as if I was sitting down with you over a beer, which I would have no problem doing. I am not attacking you. I dont even know you! I am attacking your message. If you beleive the bible is inspired even though it is simply a umpteenth copy of an original that was written by the "apostate" church in the first place, then carry on.
The mosaic law is coming back!!?? Is it going to be....very soon?... Is it...... right around the corner? Is it this generation that will see it or the next? Will it be on the ipad or a "tablet" get it? get it?
All you lurkers out there...... pbrow is attacking the message of yoorww!! Proof positive they have the "one true religion!" All my sarcasm is in vain as all 14 of your followers are going to rejoice in the ridicule that they receive from pbrow.
ps... my house isnt that nice.
pss..... still seething with anger agains the one true church
if my math is correct .... public watchtower printed each issue: 42,182,000. awake printed each issue: 41,042,000.
7.24" x 9.47" x 16 pages two sides.
16 x 9.47" x 41,042,000. one magazine end to end - 151.52".
Hey Gorbatchov... They use "wordly paper"!
from the grat wikipedia (long may it live).
in 1993, mathematician gordon ritchie requested baptism by jehovah's witnesses and almost immediately began advocating disagreements with their teachings.
he claims he was expelled for apostasy in march 1996.
yoorway.... Just to be fair I actually read your main page. What part of JC's sacrifice do you not understand? We no longer need the mosaic law. You know, "The law condems to death but the spirit makes alive" and all that? I wish you and the 20,000 other demonimations the best as being "the one and only true religion" Wait, except the JW's. They are an apostate religion. so I guess it would be 19,999 other denominations saying the exact same thing as you.
from the grat wikipedia (long may it live).
in 1993, mathematician gordon ritchie requested baptism by jehovah's witnesses and almost immediately began advocating disagreements with their teachings.
he claims he was expelled for apostasy in march 1996.
persecution! persecution! persecution!
"as jesus promised the wicked would do".... "have gone back to a life of debauchery" blah blah blah blah blah blah. Vexed like "righteous lot"?? Was lot righteous becase he had sex with his own daughters or because he offered them up to rape by men of their village? Your "truth" is a lie bro. The"truth" is not in a book that was literally written by men. Wake the eff up
What gives you the right to judge the WTBTS as "clearly wicked"? You and the 20,000 other denominations extolling the virtues of how righteous you are and happy you are and how evil and wicked everyone else are is surely the model that JC wanted to project.
in the form of a prediction, that can be proven to truly be a prediction,i.e written before the event, and it came true ?.
it would be good not to have time wasters on this thread in the form of the common ones that are brought up to demonstrate the bible's prophetic prowess, like cyrus being named , these have been debunked already.. but does there seem to be a genuine prophecy in there somewhere ?.
cofty i just reread my post and yes i agree with you, i just type like an ftard (should it be "a ftard" or "an ftard, because if the word starts with...nevermind) when i get heated about prophesies and such. I dont exactly remember what my billions comment was about.
from the grat wikipedia (long may it live).
in 1993, mathematician gordon ritchie requested baptism by jehovah's witnesses and almost immediately began advocating disagreements with their teachings.
he claims he was expelled for apostasy in march 1996.
prodigalson, i completely agree. The idea that "the truth" is contained in a book will always allow the few charismatic leaders to fleece the many. I feel that the bible has some good principals (havent really read any other "sacred texts") but I am very reluctant to teach my children out of the bible for fear that coupled with my jw ex's view that the bible is inspired by god, they will come to the conclusion that the bible is the be all end all and if only someone comes along with the "proper" interpretation of it they just have to follow that person or group.
Keep your own council, the truth is inward. I am drawn to the stoics view of self control and clear thinking and especially Seneca's view on anger. Hopefully I can pass that on to my children.
from the grat wikipedia (long may it live).
in 1993, mathematician gordon ritchie requested baptism by jehovah's witnesses and almost immediately began advocating disagreements with their teachings.
he claims he was expelled for apostasy in march 1996.
I always amazes me how someone can actually see the things that a religion is doing wrong, leave and then go and start another church. If someone is a christian why in gods name (no pun intended) would they start a new church and try to get people to follow them?
still thinking, your probably right. more $$$$
if my math is correct .... public watchtower printed each issue: 42,182,000. awake printed each issue: 41,042,000.
7.24" x 9.47" x 16 pages two sides.
16 x 9.47" x 41,042,000. one magazine end to end - 151.52".
Although one could argue that the watchtower and awake are certainly bad for the enviroment, we have more than enough trees in the United States. In a recent "WOOD" magazine I read, tree production/conservation is more than sufficient for our needs here. If i remember correctly there are more acres of forests now than 80 years ago.
I suppose we all wish the chemicals were the worst thing that came out of the printing presses in Brooklyn!!