I had been df'd for smoking a cigar w/ my grandpa. After I crawled back to the group that was "closest to the truth", I started to wake up. I remember I googled jw and found this website. I was very nervous even though I was at work. I kept reading about some guy Franz and seeing "CoC" and had no idea what that meant. As I finally figured it out and then ordered it online and got it delivered to my house, little did I realize what a difference that book would make in my life. I think I read CoC in three days and In Search of Christian Freedom in about 7 or 8 days. No animosity, no hatred, Mr Franz just laid out his honest, humble take on what his experience was. Mr Franz kicked me in the teeth with his courage and kindness. I specifically remember the night of my paradigm shift. It was an awesome experience for me.
I know that Mr Franz would play it down but I cannot put into words what I feel that I owe him. Not just for me but for the freedom of my two daughters.
Thank you Ray.
My family will never forget you.