Posts by pbrow
JW Preaching Work Ends in 20th Century ?
by Scorpion inpage 12 of the january 1,1989 wt original magazine paragraph 8 ends with the statement that the apostle paul's missionary activity laid a foundation for a work that would be completed in our 20th century.".
(a subtle prophecy that 'the end' will come by the year 2000 a.d.).
this sentence is changed in the bound volume reprint to read "a work that would be completed in our day.
Trying to overcome my homophobia.
by Julia Orwell ini had a music album by a gay guy before i was a jw and had no problem listening to it.
it's good music.
some of the lyrics are what you might call 'gay', that is there's some talk about boyfriends, gay bars, and queens and the intolerance the artist encountered as a gay man.
Orwell.... I think your heart is def in the right place. The point of them being a certain percentage of the population is telling. It even happens in the animal world. If you beleive in god than you have to come to terms with the fact that although homosexuality is a minor part of nature it is indeed a part of nature.
My experience has been once you get to know some gay individuals and couples you start to realize just how "normal" they are.
The reason behind why the ex-JW community can never match Jehovah's Witnesses' success.
by Stand for Pure Worship inan average of five kingdom halls being constructed daily, almost 8 million brothers and sisters, dissemination of bible literature in 595 languages, 111,795 congregations worldwide, distribution of 179 million bibles available in 116 languages, 239 countries where jehovah's witnesses have a presence, etc.. need i go on?.
on the other hand........... crisis of conscience, freeminds, the awaa,, ummmmmm........hmmm........idk six screens or something?
not exactly working out for you guys.
I agree completely. These threads are exactly why the GB does not want jdubs interacting with people on the internet. These jdub apologists come on, leave a few comments, and the threads blow up with thoughful and logical reasoning as to why the jdub teachings are so misguided. When you are hit in the face over and over and over and over again with logical responses and all you can come up with is "no, the governing body is not in charge of anything" it helps lurkers to see that something is terribly wrong with their religion.
SFTW.... I say keep it up. Fight the good fight. I hope you come to your senses and realize what true freedom is, but if you dont, your posts are helping many people realize what a farce these fundamentalist religions are.
Carry on.......
nice anti-witness today
by JunkYardDog ini ran into 3 young sisters today.
and just talked to them about the fds 1914 and they didn't know any thing about 1799, 1874 etc.
i kept it lite and told these young lady's to look it up as i'm 30 years older than them.
Hey junkyard, I think its hillarious that us ex jdubs say.... "we kept it lite.. talking about 1914, 1799 and 1874"
What an odd perspective we have now that we are out!!!!
Nice work though by the way.
What Was Your First Experience In Exposing Yourself To "Apostasy"?
by minimus inas a young teenager, i would look at "apostate" books at the city library.
i was always intrigued as to what was sooo bad and other than a few writings of some that seemed like they hated the witnesses, i would clandestinely look at literature, especially in "christian" bookstores.. it took years for me to finally disconnect.
i will say that ray franz' books enlightened me the most!.
I had been df'd for smoking a cigar w/ my grandpa. After I crawled back to the group that was "closest to the truth", I started to wake up. I remember I googled jw and found this website. I was very nervous even though I was at work. I kept reading about some guy Franz and seeing "CoC" and had no idea what that meant. As I finally figured it out and then ordered it online and got it delivered to my house, little did I realize what a difference that book would make in my life. I think I read CoC in three days and In Search of Christian Freedom in about 7 or 8 days. No animosity, no hatred, Mr Franz just laid out his honest, humble take on what his experience was. Mr Franz kicked me in the teeth with his courage and kindness. I specifically remember the night of my paradigm shift. It was an awesome experience for me.
I know that Mr Franz would play it down but I cannot put into words what I feel that I owe him. Not just for me but for the freedom of my two daughters.
Thank you Ray.
My family will never forget you.
este.... i just read one of your other posts....... you ARE serious.
There has never been a greater more promising time in the history of mankind than our time now. You want to spend this time hoping for the destruction of helpless newborns, 2 year olds, 3rd graders, middle schoolers and bright young high school graduates? You must believe in the god of the bible who slaughtered thousands of innocent children and gave up innocent young girls to be raped. Im of the opinion "douche" isnt a strong enough word for you.
Este.... are you just effing with us? You cannot possibly think the world is going to end!!??!!... well besides when the sun actually dies sometime within the next 5 million years. Do you really think the world is going to end? God I hope you dont have kids.
shunning and jw funerals
by man in black inwhen a jw from your area dies, do you attend the visitation or funeral ?.
since i have da'ed myself, several people that i have known for years have died, and i have attended both the visitation, and or funeral.. but everytime, i have been treated like i don't even exist.
just trying to follow normal human emotions, by attending and showing my feelings to the surviving family has been alot like running into a brick wall.
I have only been to one funeral (my very "in" grandfather) since I resigned from the group. I couldnt say one way or the other how people looked at me because I didnt pay attention. (I think its a gift... my wife thinks im oblivious) Everyone that I went up to and engaged talked to me and expressed how sorry they were. A few did tell me they missed me and hoped I would be "back" soon.
My advice is to not go as a df or da'd person. Go and act like a normal person and you will be suprised how many will treat you normal if you dont "act" like your the odd man out. Give them the permission to treat you normal.
If the memorial falls on a meeting night.....
by carla ini have forgotten, can someone tell me if the (reject jesus) memorial falls on a regular meeting night do they make up the tues meeting another night next week?.
My kid just asked me the same question yesterday!
From what I remember when I was younger the precious meeting is just lost..... forever!
Maybe there is a god??
I don't get it... (re: Memorial)
by ilikecheese inwhy do jws celebrate jesus dying rather than his resurrection?
i was talking to my boyfriend about this last week, and he said, "it's way more important that he died.
" i kind of thought the whole coming back to life thing was a bigger deal, but whatevs.. .
hey lars... so which one is it? Should true and elect ones have stopped in 1992 or 1914 ?