Jamesjack .. here is hoping this is the beginning of the end for your wifes involvement!
good luck
Jamesjack .. here is hoping this is the beginning of the end for your wifes involvement!
good luck
alert..............alert.....breaking news .......... john cedars of jwsurvey has pranked called governing body member anthony morris iii at bethel .
over 2 minutes of pranking .
as i type he is editing the recording into a video .
Should of, could of .....
Make the call and see what happens. If you do not then it was cedars call to make.
alert..............alert.....breaking news .......... john cedars of jwsurvey has pranked called governing body member anthony morris iii at bethel .
over 2 minutes of pranking .
as i type he is editing the recording into a video .
Drake.... Id say that is a good outline....
Make the call
alert..............alert.....breaking news .......... john cedars of jwsurvey has pranked called governing body member anthony morris iii at bethel .
over 2 minutes of pranking .
as i type he is editing the recording into a video .
Wing commander.......... THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!!!!
Whats a matter with a little deep seated anger?
alert..............alert.....breaking news .......... john cedars of jwsurvey has pranked called governing body member anthony morris iii at bethel .
over 2 minutes of pranking .
as i type he is editing the recording into a video .
Um yes, Mr "you wash my clothes".... we have deliberately covered up men torturing and raping children just like the catholic church and we do really feel awful about it...... Is that what some of you expected???????
If you honestly think a gb member was going to admit to covering up molestation over a phone call w/ a shitbird laundry employee I got a bridge to sell you.
It was humorous if only on a juvenile scale. NOTHING else was going to come from this. Wake the fuck up
alert..............alert.....breaking news .......... john cedars of jwsurvey has pranked called governing body member anthony morris iii at bethel .
over 2 minutes of pranking .
as i type he is editing the recording into a video .
What do you think would have happened if he would have put him on the spot? Same result... dead air.
If this site has taught me anything its this... you cannot reason with them if they do not want to be reasoned with.... Simple
For all those that think an opportunity was squandered you are mistaken and more than welcome to call up that deluded idiot yourselves and try to "catch" him. For god sakes the man records himself saying dumb shit, what does cedars need to that for!!!??? For those of us who are awake and openly out, this was simply a prank, and that is all it was ever going to be. Nothing more, nothing less.
Fuck tony morris, fuck the governing body. Say it loud and say it proud!
so, i have been badgered recently to do some kind of family study by my wife.
thanks to tv.jw.org i now have a really easy tool to use that not only passes this time but actually makes them question the organisation.. our sessions skipping through the delights of the monthly broadcast have been very interesting.
derision at the wooden delivery of the gb.
....."now believes in evolution.... how sad"..
My 13 year old laughed at that.
What a fucktard....
On a side note.. I have seen a few of these no talent ass clowns wearing rings (not wedding bands) ... Bethel fashion trend???
you must see the musical video at the end of this month program (aprox.
at 1:04:30).... i don't like to use "must" but this is wow... if you think they couldn't get any lower... just be prepared...
not lower.... just dumber.
Plus it has a nice soft velvety rebuke of pursuing a college education as well.
in addition to the above question, why do citizens of the two above mentioned countries, or other countries, feel the necessity to tell americans how they should interpret the american constitution for localized issues?.
i fairly much have an idea what the general population in the usa feels in regards to the first question.
this could be one of the possible reasons cnn piers morgan poor ratings and eventual firing.
Simon... you dont like the superbowl??? Mods... how do we get this guy banned??
I jest...
On the face of it I personally do not like hearing brits or canadians opinions about our issues, I guess in the same way I did not like hearing "worldly" people talk about us dubs when I was in. I get defensive and think "they dont understand our culture (guns)" and "we have the best hospitals in the world" but the bottom line is if you make a good point and can back it up with sound logic then it really doesnt matter where you come from.
so i live pretty close to the jw pyramid in pittsburgh and i have thought about going there and attaching a sign of some sort to the pyramid.
i was thinking of using a qrcode to link to something.
Its is on my bucket list..... to piss on!