"you will have my resignation letter before the end of the week" = true freedom
Never look back
judicial committee invitation comes, with be there or be square consequences.. ( come or we will df you ).
what are the sure fire, tested and true tactics that will keep the elders off your back?
( for good ).
"you will have my resignation letter before the end of the week" = true freedom
Never look back
i recall that some years ago the wt stated that not all offences need to be reported to the elders, but that confessing serious sins to another person who was not an elder could suffice.
the article stated that this did not include sexual offences and that these must be reported to the elders.. can anyone throw any light on this please?.
Hey data-dog.... you forget something....
You may pm me your confession.... but please be REAL specific!! I like details...
the current sitting u.s. federal magistrate judge, in alpine, texas, is a jehovah's witness and is set to retire on november 9, 2015.. .
link to news article.
on november 9, the honorable b. dwight goains will retire from an eight-year term serving as the u.s. magistrate judge in alpine, texas.
This is a perfect example of how even "smart" people can be fooled by religion...
Have fun in the paradise... fucktard
this type of correspondence between a rank and file member and a governing body member is unheard of today.
With that kind of organic questioning I do not see how someone could possibly remain a member for ANY reason. This kind of mental gymnastics is par for the course. I detest the incompetence these men stand for.
as fans of the walking dead know, our heros have found sanctuary (or have they) at alexandria, a seemingly normal safe zone from the walkers/rotters/etc.
this past episode had rick's 'family' invited to a 'welcome to the community' cocktail party, hosted by deanna, the leader of the community.. having entered alexandria, we're starting to see the different levels of ptsd in our little group.
rick, carol, and daryl trust no one.
Simon... I completely agree with the feeling of not truly knowing how messed up your outlook is until you completely free yourself of the lifestyle.
I believe the most difficult step is that of the unknown. I preach it to my family as much as possible. They may see that "some things are not as they should be" but they will never fully realize how perverse the life is until they are willing and able to rid themselves of it.
take a look at the linked ap photograph and tell me what you think:.
- miss black u.s., miss black georgia and miss black teen .
what would the likes of al sharpton say if the hallowed event this weekend at the edmund pettus bridge in selma, alabama had been attended by a miss white u.s., miss white georgia and miss white teen?
Shirley... I am assuming you are assuming that marvin is assuming that the person who mugged him or cut him off in traffic was black.....
I am just assuming his reason for posting is what was stated in his op... namely an article talking about miss black pageants that he read.
Thats enough assuming for me today..
i wish i knew what it was like to have an unconditionally loving mother.
i know she loves me and cares about me, but only within her narrow wt spectrum.
if i do not meet her narrow expectations, i am a failure to her.
It sounds like you need to take the approach of not letting her shun you. That would include regular attendance at her residence for coffee or just casual conversation. Do not allow her to shun you. It is that simple.
Good luck,
take a look at the linked ap photograph and tell me what you think:.
- miss black u.s., miss black georgia and miss black teen .
what would the likes of al sharpton say if the hallowed event this weekend at the edmund pettus bridge in selma, alabama had been attended by a miss white u.s., miss white georgia and miss white teen?
I think the African-American female form is beautiful!!!!
Wait.... is this off topic??
hey guys,.
so, something amazing happened recently.
i recently met with an old and very good friend of mine.
Even if you were younger when you got babtized, you still willingly joined. My take is to willingly leave.
You joined and now you are leaving. Officially. Do you want your name associated with an organization that protects pedophiles?? Do you want your name associated with a group that assists in destroying families? Do not do it to help them "close their books". Do it because you want to. If you fade you are playing "not to lose" Play to win. GTFO and YOU take YOUR name off THEIR BOOKS.
Most importantly though, do it because YOU want to. That is THE only reason.
for those who have left and are still in contact with jw family, how do you usually respond when they bring up jw stuff, i.e.
start talking about the nearness of armageddon or things like that.. i usually say nothing and just let it pass but i'm considering changing tact to something more confrontational, less because i want to change their mind and more because i find it tiresome.
I left about three years... damn.. more like 6 now.. holy cow... I simply refuse to let them shun me. I show up at my mom's, take care of a lot of upkeep on her house as well as mowing and snowblowing.. Just do not allow it. It really is that simple. What are your family members going to do?? Call the police on you? Let them call the police to kick you off of their property and see if that does not make an impression on them.
When my brother is in town I take the same approach, no one is going to tell me I cannot see my family. (including my family) and no one should tell you that you cannot see your family.
You can determine what you talk or dont talk about but do not allow them to shun you. They do not realize it but they are counting on YOU to show them what unconditional love is.