Hey stealth... dont be so shortsighted...
Just before the nuclear reactors started to meltdown...... pffft!! Jehovah fixed it!!!!
Praise Jah!!!!!!!!
a hilarious stupid wa message is being circulated amongst jws in my area / country.. i had a hearty laugh at the ignorance and stupidity and brainwashed mentality, different people may express different emotions so you have been warned.
day one after armageddon it seems ages since we last heard the gunshots and screams, today has been really quiet.
the last few weeks have been sheer terror.
Hey stealth... dont be so shortsighted...
Just before the nuclear reactors started to meltdown...... pffft!! Jehovah fixed it!!!!
Praise Jah!!!!!!!!
maybe it's shocking, funny, a good story, etc.. i was just watching the one below... i was shocked!
That nosedive into the baptism pool is AWESOME!!!
I think the whole "yelling apostate" act would not have worked 20 or 30 years ago because people were not able to get out of the bubble that surrounds most witnesses. Nowadays a 12 year old with an iphone can get on the internet and check things out so easy that it will most likely jar at least one person.... For that one person its worth it. Think about the firestorm of gossip this would cause if this started happening at many conventions.
Curiosity will kill the jdub or will at least wake him up a little.
how many people have seen a person leave and return multiple times?
out of curiosity, what was the number?
My stepdad was df at least 3 times. Another dude, Rueben Guzman was out ~4 times. I think one of the madison halls close to us had a couple of 4 or 5 timers....
I really liked Rueben but I think about it now and say what is wrong with these guys??
continuing a topic that is dear to my heart because of my experience as both a shunner and a shunnee .... some people seem to get very agitated when i talk about the responsibility people have to make the right choices and that despite all the wrongs within the wts, people themselves have a role to play and some personal responsibility for the experience.. notice i said "some" responsibility, not "complete" - this doesn't absolve the wts for the things they do wrong in any way shape or form.
so please don't get argumentative about possible meanings and absolutes - of course the wts has a significant role to play but we need to decide what we're trying to achieve here and why the personal choice is so important.. i'm also not talking about actual crimes that the wts should answer for.
if they cover up child abuse for instance, they absolutely should be reported immediately.
gognac... copy that. I was in a position where getting out(visibly/loudly) was the only option. No shame in knowing when to cut your losses. At the end of the day, you are out and you get to use your experience to help your kids and family! I have often relflected on what a valuable thing it is for my kids to not have to know what missing out on being a kid is. Glad your out.
continuing a topic that is dear to my heart because of my experience as both a shunner and a shunnee .... some people seem to get very agitated when i talk about the responsibility people have to make the right choices and that despite all the wrongs within the wts, people themselves have a role to play and some personal responsibility for the experience.. notice i said "some" responsibility, not "complete" - this doesn't absolve the wts for the things they do wrong in any way shape or form.
so please don't get argumentative about possible meanings and absolutes - of course the wts has a significant role to play but we need to decide what we're trying to achieve here and why the personal choice is so important.. i'm also not talking about actual crimes that the wts should answer for.
if they cover up child abuse for instance, they absolutely should be reported immediately.
If you are da'd or df'd and allow the shunning you are still part of the system. The people of this church count on you to play the victim so that they feel better about the choice that they have made. We cannot help them feel better. This issue is not 1914, or the UN or something that really does not have an impact on their daily lives. Shunning their family is a major life changing incident. If there is any major issue that can help wake them up, shunning close family or friends is that issue! Make them feel uncomfortable about it, challenge them on it, ask them why THEY individually shun you! We cant make them wake up but if you really want to help them wake up, THIS IS THE ISSUE to do it with.
continuing a topic that is dear to my heart because of my experience as both a shunner and a shunnee .... some people seem to get very agitated when i talk about the responsibility people have to make the right choices and that despite all the wrongs within the wts, people themselves have a role to play and some personal responsibility for the experience.. notice i said "some" responsibility, not "complete" - this doesn't absolve the wts for the things they do wrong in any way shape or form.
so please don't get argumentative about possible meanings and absolutes - of course the wts has a significant role to play but we need to decide what we're trying to achieve here and why the personal choice is so important.. i'm also not talking about actual crimes that the wts should answer for.
if they cover up child abuse for instance, they absolutely should be reported immediately.
It is absolutely the responsibility of the indivdual. With that responsibility comes consequences. I like your take Simon that helping them to understand that they do have a choice and are making the inhumane choice to shun others is on them. Like corporations, religions are people. Until those people understand (by showing and demonstrating to them) that they are making the choice (whether they know it or not) to do something so uncaring, so unloving to their fellow human beings, they will think that they are doing right by god. We have the ability (not the responsibility) to help them understand what they are doing
My situation allows me to not partake in the shunning. I show up to family dinners, I work on my mother's house and stop in for coffee. I do not allow them to shun me. Nothing short of a restraining order or police forcibly removing me from the houses/families I grew up in/with will stop me from negating the will of my family to shun me.
I agree, show them they have the choice. Be relentless about it.
Good luck,
so, if lying or being deliberately misleading is a "disfellowshipping" offence, why haven't the brothers who lied to the australian royal commission been brought before a judicial committee?
freeatlast1914.... Stop LYING!!!! Its called Theocratic Warfare.
I have existentially df'd you from the congregation. Gongrats!!
in short:- tight pants is no longer just a am3 hang up (or is that a hang up on the well hung?
)- brothers who have effeminate body language are flagged up- as are sisters with 'masculine' hair styles or dress- such dress is 'disturbing to the congregation'- the above must heed the (repeated) counsel from the elders...or they get stripped of the right to share on the ministry- however...this will not be revealed (announced) to the congregation.
hey freddo.... Oh there is pleasing him..... oh yes indeed. That is for a private sheparding call.... at a hotel on the outskirts of town
which parts of the publications are the innacurate words of 'just imperfect men', and which parts are the inerrant words from the mouthpiece of jehovah on earth?.
how can you trust that you are being given correct information?
the governing body.
p.27: "Since Jehovah God and Jesus Christ completely trust the faithful and discreet slave, should we not do the same?" "The slave thus deserves our complete trust"
This is uneffingbelievable. How could I have been so stupid??
Good Allah, I hate those fuckers.
i post here a lot but online on other sites not much at all.
i have posted over the last two years or so comments on youtube.
usually a comment or a question concerning something i watched.
Good, bad, wacky or tactful....... Every method helps, some are not as effecient as others but adult learners learn differently. We cannot make someone leave but we all can help by posting/commenting our thoughts and experiences about our enemy, the watchtower bible & tract society. When our relatives/friends are ready to free themselves they will have no small tool to assist them.