Blackwolf... I was a born in who did everything right to appease all those around me, didnt rock the boat because of what I would lose. I didnt see what I would gain by leaving. I remember the teens who at 14,15, 16 who said "fuck it" and got on with their lives. I am 38 now and have run into a few of them over the years and they barely remember me but I never forgot them. They chose their path and never looked back.
As odd as it may seem, even though I dont know your parents, I know your parents. If your aunt is on board then go for it. Do not waste another minute of your life allowing yourself to be minimized by parents who have their head so far up their ass they cannot see the forest for the trees. You can feel bad for them, they are in a cult, they dont know any better... blah blah blah... When your parents say you are being influenced by satan they are literally judging your thoughts, feelings and actions as evil. If that is not abuse I do not know what is.
You seem to know it. Now act on it. I can only look back with regret at my almost willful ignorance in choosing not to make a stand.
Only you can determine what is best for you. Good luck. Remember, tomorrow is another day even if its tough to see past the decisons we make today.