Hey tiki... at least they used to know the rest of the words of my previously favorite song!! Now they dont even know the whole song!
what a bunch of light weights!
very strange behavior by the attendants and elders after the duluth, ga, rc.
on the first link the attendants start to exit the arena, then line up and turn their backs on the street preachers.
(around the 6:00 mark).. elders and attendants after duluth rc.
Hey tiki... at least they used to know the rest of the words of my previously favorite song!! Now they dont even know the whole song!
what a bunch of light weights!
all us creationists try to do is offer true evidence that the one and only god is out there watching and looking down on us.
we present that certain scientists know the truth about god and that he is everything that we see from trees, life, weather, the air we breath, and even the most simple molecules.
but of course you atheists reject it because it is your nature to not be humble and see god because you want to rule your own life.
Hope ... Maybe I am way off base but did you just say that you know what god would or wouldn't do? If it didn't.. yay for us.. if it did, would that be wrong then?
i met an old friend last evening, a great guy, an xjw for longer than me.. during a conversation about our experiences since fading (neither of us are da'd or anything) we got to talking about the young jw's.. his wife is still in, and he has two lovely daughters who he is trying to teach the art of critical thinking so that they can make the right choice in the future.. what worries him though is that he is convinced almost all young jw's do not give a "proverbial" if it is the truth or not, they simply wish to remain in it because of the social aspects, loads of friends and activities that they feel safe partaking in etc etc.. so how do you convince these young people that they would have a better life if they left ?.
they see it as losing all their friends, and being alone and trying to build new relationships, which is mostly true.. how do we convince them to make the leap ?.
should they ?.
The attitude is permeating throughout the org and ingrains itself particularly well with children. The dubs have indoctrination down to a science, specifically geared towards children. This goes to show how important it is to do everything in your power to just leave if you have children. YOU may try to teach critical thinking but everyone else around you will be actively fighting you. The more kids are left to rot in kingdom halls every week the more difficult it will be for them to get out. Openly oppose this disease especially in front of your children.
i'm a man - d'fd for 2.5 years now and divorced.
find it hard to date girls out here only due to always having this secret i carry with me that i was once a jw and the thought of telling a girl one day why my family don't acknowledge me as even alive.. recently been thinking of trying to get reinstated and then do a quick fade as i cant go back to the whole jw stuff.. easier said than done and was turned down twice by elders after an immediate attempt 2 years ago.. my motivation for trying would be 1.
) to see if family make contact and 2) play the last hand in their game and give the middle finger.. interested in viewpoints?.
Do you want contact from a group of people that is based solely on the shared idea that you both believe in pet pandas in the "right around the corner" future?
You said "I am a man" Start acting like it and realize its time to put away childish beliefs and childish family members that cut you off simply because you don't think the same way on absolutely 100% everything. They are literally not worth a moment of your time. Cherish the good memories and move on.
i have been df'd for 9yrs as of july 31 (yay me!).
so as i have written about previously in other posts, my whole family (parents + sister) made the choice to treat me as if i do not exist, and i have accepted it.
last summer they made a blatant show of it as our family reunion, in that they would walk right by me and not say one word...prompting our extended family to question their actions.
Just watched the full video for the first time.
What a whiney little bitch..... Out for 15 years and just wants a hug from mom and dad.
It is not her fault though, jw parents are awesome at creating young adults w/ little or no self worth.
situation is, i'll never return to the wt.
my family with never leave the wt.. depending on who you ask you'll get the following answers when you ask about me:.
my family: he's confused.
That's tough bro, gotta protect that little one. I have not read your letter but from my limited knowledge of your situation you are right to cut those ties. Do it while she is young and start filling her life up with positive things.
I know I still struggle with being non-confrontational but I purposefully am with any friends or family that try to shun me like that. Your letter will be thrown in the trash but they cannot un-hear what you say to their face.
situation is, i'll never return to the wt.
my family with never leave the wt.. depending on who you ask you'll get the following answers when you ask about me:.
my family: he's confused.
Hey pale... maybe its a culture thing but why are you asking your mother if you can go to her house? It will be a cold day in hell before I am not allowed in the house I grew up in.
You walk in the door, plop your kid on your lap and say... yes I will have creamer in my coffee!! Thank you!... None for little pale though... she will be bouncing off the walls for sure!"
What is she going to do? Call the police??? That would make a great impression her grandchild! Myself, I would go toe to toe with my brother if it came down to that but even he talks to me because I simply don't allow him to shun me. ALLOWING them to shun you is playing their game.
well it's been 18 months since i left the witnesses.
my goodness what can i say?
well let's start from the beginning.... 1) i am happy, yes i am (i know im not meant to be as the jw's would like to believe).
Did stan ever come out of the closet?
to briefly state this: we were hardcore jws, my siblings, my wife and her two sisters.
we have 18 nieces and nephews among us from late 20's to 55. only one is a card-carrying, practicing jw and he's had his problems.. what's hilarious, is that most of the 18 in the next generation would still identify themselves as jws to the rest of the family, but all are leading double lives extraordinaire, doing exactly what they want to do.
most would be honest with me and have been.
..... and those who have children are not bringing them up as JWs.
This is ALL that matters. Born ins are truly fucked from the start and have the biggest uphill battle in getting out of this group.
Good for them!
very long story.
i've been away from this site for a while.. basically, i tried to leave.
handed in my disassociation letter, it kicked up a storm and 2 weeks later i was disfellowshipped.
hey pale...
Not sure how long you are going to keep going to meetings and its really none of my business but please know that as your daughter gets older she will (if she hasn't already) get offended that no one talks to you and she will want to know why. You get to show her that you have nothing against anyone. You get to show her how unchrist like their behavior is! Both my teens think it is idiotic.
No friends is tough.. but that too will pass. Focus on your daughter. Get her involved. For yourself, get out to a local bar one night a week for trivia or volleyball leagues... remember, along with your daughter getting more opportunities YOU are getting more opportunities! You got the rest of your life bro!! You answer to no one else but yourself from now on!