Your brain is literally wired from a young age when you are a cult member. If you are doing good for the group, you get praise, if you are not, then you are working for the devil. After 18 years of this bullshit your brain is fucked up. JW's are awesome at creating kids and young adults with low self esteem and low self confidence.
You crave their acceptance because they have conditioned you to be that way. Its a cult tactic. Its how they get born ins to stay for 20, 30, 40 and 50 years and in turn train their kids that way.
Your craving acceptance from your parents is your cognitive dissonance. You have woken up. You know that how they treat people is fucked up. You know that how they treat people is abusive, but at the same time you have had your brain wired from an early age to crave their acceptance even though the new programming you are learning tells you that people like your parents are toxic.
Raising your kids in this cult is one of the worst things you can do for them. If you have children you cannot be complacent, you cannot hide your personal beliefs from them about this cult. I faded for about three months but realized that me being quiet about this cult only reinforced my acceptance of it. Your children absolutely need to see your open defiance of this thought control, this group think.
Be the kind of parent that raises children that never have to come on an ex-whatever website and ask fucked up questions like this one. Our parents chose to raise us in a cult. That is fucked up.