What I'm saying is the white race is the only one that has a verity of eye and hair colors , so what gives? Is it that this race was influenced genetically by a group of pre humans that didn't mix with other races?
Why is the white race so different?
by Crazyguy 133 Replies latest jw friends
As far as I know, it is believed to be due to chance and selective pressure amongst Caucasians towards fairer skin (which relate to pigmentation of hair and iris).
But it is important to keep in mind that non-black pigmentation is found outside Caucasians. For instance blonde aboriginals:
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When I used to go to China a lot, I got to know and make many friends. Many believed that the Chinese were the original race.
Blue eye color is the result of an absence of melanin. Brown eyes get their color from melanin, the same pigment that colors your skin. But blue eyes don’t have any blue pigment in them. Blue eyes get their color the same way water and the sky get their blue color. They scatter light so that more blue light reflects back out.
All natural variations caused by bottlenecking of genes..... no "pre-human" cause necessary.
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Ok maybe I haven't done enough research but it seems that the overwhelming number of asians and Africans have black hair and dark brown eyes , yet Caucasians have blue, green , hazel, brown etc. eyes and blonde, brown, red and everything in between for hair. You just don't see this amount of verity in other races.
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An alternative theory is that only blondes are dumb enough to stay in northern Europe. bohm:
yeah, and from the Orkneys to the Alps, the Caucasians created a fantastic Civilisation that is responsible for most of the advances we have seen (with Chinese, others working in the tandem, unknown).
Now, the others, having basked in the sun, tanning in the process, are streaming into the northern wastelands to take over. Dark surfaces , skin, radiate heat more efficiently, so bundle up, and over millionenennia, will that lighten the skin? Try cross breeding instead.
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yeah, and from the Orkneys to the Alps, the Caucasians created a fantastic Civilisation that is responsible for most of the advances we have seen (with Chinese, others working in the tandem, unknown).
Now, the others, having basked in the sun, tanning in the process, are streaming into the northern wastelands to take over......aaaaand segway into racism.
the "lazy black" stereotype
do go on
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There is a story right now about a couple of kids in Texas, one of them just finished college at 14, going for their PHD's now, guess their skin colour?
Who will deny that advances were concentrated in the cold north? Just reading "The timeline book of science " from the discovery of fire to the electronic age, Ochoa & Corey.
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