orphancow... I couldn't agree more. Once you are out of this cult you realize how bat shit crazy they are to try and justify their 21st century morals with an ancient middle eastern worldview.
Wake the fuck up people!
check his signature... it looks kind of childish/feminine (at least in my part of the world)... is this a grown man's signature for you?.
orphancow... I couldn't agree more. Once you are out of this cult you realize how bat shit crazy they are to try and justify their 21st century morals with an ancient middle eastern worldview.
Wake the fuck up people!
i'm sitting here drinking my morning coffee and opened up the yahoo page to see jw's trending at #10. clicked on it and the first article is about the child abuse.. did something happen lately that would get so many people doing a massive search?.
i can hear witnesses the world over saying... we do not belong to a "church"
the talk was bs.speaker used an example of how god provides some 60 pounds of fish per week to some bird.in that case god does not care about the life of fish.who will provide my daily rations?
can i go to a store and take my food?
can i rely on god in my old age (does not the wbts give the boot to co over 70).
God was busy giving AIDS to babies in africa that day...
this photo can be found in the april 15 , study edition article titled:.
why disfellowshipping is a loving provision.
just by looking at this image we can see how quickly the barrier between the congregation and former member is put up, after the announcement that this sister is no longer one of jehovah's witneses.
It is very happyfiying (spelling unimportant when you make up words) to see there is also only one kid in the picture...... do not worry though, I am tirelessly making it my personal mission to get as many kids out as possible
1. some say we are all gods, and god is omnipresent..
2. some say: god created his children who later challenged his sovereignty, who in turn asked his eldest son: go down to the world, do not resist the wicked, but be murdered by them, the value of which will be used to atone the sins of the world..
3. universe arose out of a big bang.
spoken like a true dub
due to some recent developments i find myself in a new place, and at this point i've lost all of my family and fri....oh that's right, i never really had any friends in the organization anyway.
just people that wanted something from me and a few people that i would invite to do things that occasionally said yes.
the recent rejections of me got me thinking, so let's take a rejection inventory.. i had to reject all of the holidays when my parents started studying.. i had to reject any worldly friends that i already had.. even family became rejected, and the new religion had some place in that.. i was rejected in school and bullied all of the time, not just because we were poor and i made good grades, but for jw reasons too.
You got out with your wife!!!! Congrats!!!
Get out and enjoy your new found freedom! Go to a new church... or ... don't go to church. Have a cigar, go back to school, get a tattoo, register to vote, give blood, volunteer, skydive, and go to a VFW and have a few beers with some great people. Reconnect with the people you rejected.
The above is such a small list of the OPPORTUNITIES you now have at your disposal. So much of what life has to offer has now been opened for you!
I am sincerely happy for you,
Congrats brother,
ok, so i went ahead and got a tattoo.
well more than a tattoo, it is a half sleeve.
my parents haven't seen it, thanks to the chilly weather i've been wearing a sweater around them.
hey fukitol.... no body asked you fucktard...
You have a fellow human being who is 9 years out of this cult and STILL has issues with how her parents fucked up religion dictates how they will treat her because of a personal decision.
As witnesses, all your decisions are made for you and If her decision is nothing else but taking her skin in her own hands then it is empowering.
Good for you blind! Any chance we can see pictures??
after leaving the organisation 10 years ago i fought with everything i had to stay in my marriage and with my three children.
after a tumultuous number of years trying to maintain a happy family life while living in a divided home, it's finally over.
the religion is single handedly responsible for destroying my marriage and my family.
jambon1... I agree with others here who have mentioned you are still the same great father. Your retribution is giving your children the freedom to be themselves... You have to be more involved with them now more than ever!! Your children are still young enough to get them involved in all the things that normal kids are involved with. YOU ARE THE FATHER! Do not ever feel sorry for that or sorry for standing up for your principles! You can still have an enormous positive impact in making sure that the JW bubble is popped. Give them a normal life and pop the fucking bubble!!
It has worked for me and it can work for you. It will not be easy and it will not be over night but it will be worth it.
Good luck brother,
have you seen this?.
freemind... you can rest easy!! She was wearing a napkin in the shape of a three cornered colonial hat....
phew.... The apostle paul was almost pissed!!
we thank our informant for these documents and hope he/she will remain under the radar safely!.
click the green download button... 2015 april 17, boe (re: meeting medical needs in the foreign-language field).
.. http://wwwb.fileflyer.com/view/gukk6aq.
Hey gone bad...
They are not "directives" because that would imply that the society is directing dubs to make a certain decision. Changing the name implies that jo blow jdub came up with this decision all on his own w/out the help of anyone or any group.