Live for the future or die in the past!
is this a beautiful story, or what?.
act one________.
now in an ordinary romance of the golden hollywood era, the boy goes off to war while the young lady waits nervously for his safe a cary grant, debra kerr movie, the two vow to meet after a certain period of time and tragic circumstances intervene.. in my story, the young man is a conscientious objector who goes to prison instead of off to the vietnam war.
Live for the future or die in the past!
when speaking with brothers, i can see they really like the site more than magazines and books.
i can imagine them publishing more and more articles and news as it's more dynamic and creates a sense of alert with brothers looking for new articles to read instead of the boring monthly magazines.. but when it comes to the jw broadcasting, it's something different.
even elders admit they aren't watching the monthly broadcastings.
I would agree with the rest.
Hearing the name Russell, Rutherford or Franz has a sense of mystery and awe for the dubs. Those men were SOOOOOO spiritual! They had to be! Look at all the spiritual truths they wrote. Seeing them at a convention had a sense of spiritual enlightement and a rarified air for rank and file dubs. Hearing their voices on cassette tapes or cd's was a treat! Their rare physical presence was their strength.
Now these fucktards are parading themselves in front of all of us on a regular basis. They are showing themselves to be the exact same overpowering, condescending and insecure men that are in the everyday dub's congregation. They are losing the mystery of being the "governing body" and turning themselves into everyday asshat elders.
The current governing body is one of our best assets in waking up the semi-conscious class.
it's so good to finally be nineteen years old.
graduated from high school, taken more seriously as an adult.
i even have a job.
"I have the means to Move back to the state where I grew up. Two of my older brothers (that want nothing to do with the church) live there, as does my boyfriend of two years."
Just put one foot in front of the other and ....
Welcome to your new life!!!!!
Grab the bull by the horns and run with it!
hey, i'm looking for a certain image.
it's one of the more dopey series of images from about five years ago.
about a "sister" who goes off the rails and she gets counseled and she's dressing all "immodestly" which is really just a streak of color in her hair.
I feel confident in saying that brother who had to get his "tats" for this picture did not want to take them off for a while!
Personally though... I hate the taste of breastmilk right after smoking!
is this a beautiful story, or what?.
act one________.
now in an ordinary romance of the golden hollywood era, the boy goes off to war while the young lady waits nervously for his safe a cary grant, debra kerr movie, the two vow to meet after a certain period of time and tragic circumstances intervene.. in my story, the young man is a conscientious objector who goes to prison instead of off to the vietnam war.
As Monte Cristo tells Maximilien at the end of "The Count of Monte Cristo".....
Wait... and Hope
I am very happy for you!
im starting a new thread because its time i left the bergman discussion.
i would like to address some comments made by ahhah, however, comments which have given me reason to look deep into myself.. even then, i wonder how objective a person could ever be after having had part of their life taken from them by a cult association.
on the other hand, who else (other than an ex-jw) would ever care enough to work as tirelessly as he seems to have in attempting to document the potential harm of this religion (biased as it may be).
This thread is an excellent although painful thread to read. I feel sad, hurt and angry at the same time.
If I could digress for one minute for all the people who are just thinking about leaving, starting to leave or are in the middle of the painful, seemingly unending process of getting out.
Here is an anecdotal story that I hope gives you some hope...
My oldest got her first job at a local business that recreates the Polar Express trip to the north pole. My wife, myself and my youngest went to the dress rehearsal yesterday. As I could hear the kids yelling and dancing in the train, hopeful to see santa or even an elf, christmas songs started to break out in the various parts of the train. My wife and our youngest started singing along and to my suprise my youngest knew all the words, while I knew only the main lines. Hearing my youngest sing "Frosty the Snowman" had such a huge emotional impact on me that I was glad the lights in the train were not working! I have never doubted leaving when I found out TTATT, but it was not easy. The childhood that my daughters are having is worlds different then the childhood I had. Not only different but better, much better!
All the worrying about the future, arguing with family members and the inevitable shunning by decades old "friends" IS worth it. The thoughts that my life was wasted or squandered on missed opportuinites is the wrong way to think about your time in this cult. Going through what I and many others have gone through has forged me into who I am today. My experience has given me the skill set to make sure my kids will see what the real life is. Not the one that is restricted and built on lies meant to keep us servile to a group of men in NYC or any other group of men anywhere!
Great line at the end...
I sleep well at night and when I sleep in on sunday and have my coffee I realize that the mormon church is as much of a joke as it was when i went to bed the night before.... roughly paraphrased
I love that I am with the silent majority to be able to say...
"I am not a jehovah's witness... bitch!! "
it's my time to recognize the faults that i've made.
in my case, i was inattentive, uncaring, selfish, and aloof.
it has brought me to this time in my life the waking call of my errors.
broken... One thing to realize.... You cannot make her happy. She is the only one who can do that.
Work on becoming a better you... not for her but for you. If it is meant to be then so be it. Just know that we are all only responsible for our own happiness. The trick is finding someone who looks at you and is happy themselves because of what they see.
latest boe letter:.
october 22, 2015. to all bodies of eldersre: use of jw stream.
dear brothers:we are writing to inform you that arrangements are being made for video recordings ofcongregation meetings, circuit assemblies, and conventions to be uploaded to jw stream (accessibleat in various languages.
every time they use the term "JW" they are deliberately not using the greatest name on earth. Why do they hate jehovah so much????
i joined this wonderful site, only a few weeks ago, although i have been away from the borg, for almost 20 years.
i didnt introduce myself, on a personal level, but i jumped right in, commenting, making threads, and just immersing myself in this community.
what a time, indeed, to be here, its almost as if i was "called" here, because the week i lurked, and joined, was when all this recent stuff came out.
Hey dunedain...
Judas didnt kill jesus. It was the jews in general!