Are you secretly trying to talk about The Donald??
call on exjwreddit for experiences of those in the uk being shunned to send in to the uk charity commission.
(just realized the title of this post sounds like you're being shunned because you're in the uk!!
Are you secretly trying to talk about The Donald??
looking back we had been fading without even realizing it.
life happened...and we weren't regular.
then we woke up and have actively been fading for 9 months.
Turn in your letter, renounce your membership and be done with it. Do you really want to be an official member of an org that acts this way?
Dont kid yourself... until you write a letter and gtfo, you are still a member, still have to tippy toe, still have to fade. Your conscience will thank you for it.
this is not meant to be a controversial discussion, but just mentioning what has happened to my daughter.. i personally started my fade early this year 2015, it has resulted in my losing all my so called jw friends and the brake-up of my marriage.
when i split up with my wife, she asked our daughter who she would like to live with, my daughter decided to live with me, and also abandoned the cult.. recently my daughter told me that she is very disappointed with the congregation of jehovah's witnesses because she thought she had friends there, but now she has realized that it was all conditional, not a single one of them has even remotely tried to keep contact with my daughter, she is 15, not baptized and never a publisher.. now yesterday she met up with a jehovah's witness friend who is in another congregation.
this friend is also 15, baptized since she was 14, a very dominant elder father, and has virtually no association outside jw circles, and also internet access is banned at home.
Lesson learned at 15, when these types of life lessons should happen. Mine happened at 30.
She is way ahead of the curve!!!
hi people,.
i want as much data as possible on the effect of the internet on the time captured by the cult.. please answer the three following questions about yourself or about someone you know (for example, if your parents or grandparents were jw's and left).
1) were you raised as a jw, or did you convert?.
1. born in
2. july 1991
3. december 2010
Total years between baptism and da - 19 years + plus 14 years of missed opportunities as a child
it would eliminate drive by's (gangs).
bank robbery.
( handing the bank teller a note, this is stick up without a gun).
The gun lobby or NRA more specifically is an orginization of like willed people who are putting together support and resources to influence their will in the democratic process. That is not undemocratic. That is how normal everyday citizens can influence their government. I am not so naive to think that gun manufactures are not supporting the gun lobby either, that is why I am glad of my antagonists on the other side of the issue who would keep us in check by our democratic process.
but i now firmly believe the internet will conquer the watchtower.
i say this because before the internet such educational truth had to be searched for in books and the authority of the author was often held with suspicion.
so i think the important questions should now be:-.
Rebel, doc... i agree totally with that! I see it in my kids with their very own school issued chromebooks! When you google jehovahs witnesses the very first page has "unfavorable" websites.
I think the scattergun approach that is provided on Simon's awesome website works for the greater good, whether its "sane" opponents or "mentally diseased" opponents. It takes all kinds of ways to wake people up so I am not opposed to so called "over the top" antics of ex dubs as long as its legal. I reason that if a dub is on this or jwfacts, it is only a matter of time even if the first experience is not pleasant.
it would eliminate drive by's (gangs).
bank robbery.
( handing the bank teller a note, this is stick up without a gun).
Attacking the ideology of the second ammendment is akin to attacking the ideology of free speech, womans voting rights, private property/due process laws and involuntary servitude!
Jefferson at one point wrote "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms" I am not saying that means "all guns all the time for anyone and everyone all day". The 2nd ammendment was put in place for very specific reasons, reasons that will never go away as long as humans need government.
Guns are a part of our culture and who we are as a nation just as free speech and private property laws are. Thor willing, these rights will never go away
but i now firmly believe the internet will conquer the watchtower.
i say this because before the internet such educational truth had to be searched for in books and the authority of the author was often held with suspicion.
so i think the important questions should now be:-.
The internet is an awesome, powerful tool for those that wish to use it. It is exceedingly effecient at helping people that are doubting and want to find answers. The difficulty is this... watchtower, scientology, mormons and the like have been so effective at scaring their horses from even going close to the water. Not even mentioning drinking it, this makes it very difficult to lead the horses there.
In my anecdotal experience, I have regular discussions with family members about the injustices, errors and outright lies that watchtower perpetuates but they outright refuse to search things out on the internet or read apostate materials.
As far as point "c" goes..... This website and all the work Simon has done is an allah-send!! Praise be to Wotan!!
so the elders keep bugging me and pestering me about having a meeting with them to "introduce me to my new congregation" for some reason (do any ex elders know what that even means??).
i keep postponing and making excuses and they are getting more and more aggressive.
i finally agreed for them to come over today, but really don't want to..should i hide from them again?
Hide. Keep your window curtains drawn. If they come up to your house, go inside. Give them a last minute excuse that you cant make it. Dont every put up christmas lights or halloween decorations. Cross to the other side of the street when you see them coming. Dont make eye contact at the grocery store.
Basically live in fear and waste time in the only life that you are absolutely sure you have.
That is not living. That is cowering. Stop being a bitch and get the fuck on with your life!!
I say that as someone who tried to fade for a few months and finally realized what I was doing to myself. I wish someone had been this blunt with me.
it would eliminate drive by's (gangs).
bank robbery.
( handing the bank teller a note, this is stick up without a gun).
far right, far left.... the answer is in the middle somewhere....
in the meantime...... molon labe