Play no other card then this.... Who the fuck is any blowjob elder to ask you anything? The gig is up, no fade for you. Kangaroo courts could give two shits about reasonable doubt or about your denial. The next move is yours and yours alone.
You have a daughter? Your duty is to help her think for herself and show her that hiding is for cowards! The funny thing about kids is that they grow up and will start to piece together all the crazy shit that happens in divided Jehovah's Witness households. Make sure she knows what side you were on!
Let your kid go to the meeting, no different than any other fairy tale church. When you give your child the the real life, ie opportunities and experiences that she deserves, she will leave this cult in the dust. Few things are more important than your daughter rejecting this cult on her own!
edit... just read your update. Good for you! Glad to hear it! Being true to yourself is of the utmost importance. When your idiot "relatives" and "friends" are on their death bed in 40 years still waiting for armagedon your daughter now has an excellent chance of being well into her "real life"
From first hand experience, my two teenage kids are well on their way out... this will be bumpy but it is worth it!!