JoinedTopics Started by clearpoison
2020-October-German-Elder-Manual! (as of 2020-10-11)
by Atlantis in2020-october-german-shepherd the flock of god manual.. .
top 10 german foods and recipes!.
2020--September German Announcement! (as of 2020-09-12)
by Atlantis in2020-september, german announcement.. .
reply below if you want the link sent to your pm box.. .
18 Letters Arrived Today--English and German!--(as of 2020-06-25)
by Atlantis inatlantis just handed me 18 letters to send out.
we have english and german letters with various topics.. .
3 More German Letters Arrived!--(as of 2020-06-10)
by Atlantis in3 more german letters arrived as of 2020-06-10..
1.----anweisungen für ältestenschaftenin verbindung mit der covid-19-pandemie3.
juni 2020-----------------------2.----scd:ssd 8. juni / june / juin / giugno 2020an alle koordinatoren der ältestenschaftento all coordinators of the bodies of eldersà tous les coordinateurs des collèges d’anciensa tutti i coordinatori dei corpi degli anziani----------------------3.----bekanntmachungen und hinweisejuni 2020-----------------------the june 8th german letter states:"it would be regrettable if publishers were to bear the expenses for hotel rooms because these were not canceled in time.
10 More German Letters Arrived! (as of 2020-06-06)
by Atlantis in10 german files arrived that you might want.. 1--literatur-bekanntmachung4.
mai 2020----------------2--bekanntmachung7.
mai 2020----------------.
The Next Mega File Folder!
by Atlantis inmega file folders grandpa is putting together for me.
the first one was the boe's, forms, and manuals from 2010 to 2020 mostly english.
the next one is the german mega folder with boe's, forms, and manuals, 2010 to 2020 english and german files.
"50 Years a Watchtower Slave" Chapter 10 Part B
by new boy inthe congregation there had about eighty “publishers” in it.
it was a mix of farmers and city folks.
there were three to four families there who had moved in from other states, to help out.
Jeremiah 10:23 - "...It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step."
by HereIgo ini have been accused recently of "trying to direct my own step" because of my questioning the org and refusing to come back to the "truth" for the past 6 years.
i personally still believe in god, i just doubt that he is behind the jw org, that's all.
why is that so hard for jw's to understand?
The Great October 2016 Invite to the Sunday Meeting campaign ...
by freddo inwell how's it going round your way?
massive increase of interested ones?
did you even know it was supposed to be happening?
You wear tight pants and you will be in trouble
by wannaexit ini was reading in another forum, that a letter to the elders instructed them to speak to anybody who persists in wearing tight pants.
if changes don't happen then the instructions are to disqualify him from being a publisher but it won't be announced to the congregation.
i am am curious to see if this letter will surface.