a half, this person has been going to all meetings faithfully for years. Not however been progressing to unbaptised publisher or towards baptism. There is no end with studybooks for this person.
in mine that would be a big fat zero.. there have been a handful of teenage baptisms of jw children.. one that really was a foreign language group transfer.. but in the last ten years - there has not been one single convert from the d2d ministry.. btw - my congregation has had over 10 pioneers (real ones that actually do d2d, including elders) for the last decade.. not one.
10 x 70 hours a month x 120 months = 84,000 hours ... results = 0.. also most of our pioneers are pretty good at the door - some half way decent teachers.
one is sub co and another often is called to teach ... wait for it ... pioneer school!!!.
a half, this person has been going to all meetings faithfully for years. Not however been progressing to unbaptised publisher or towards baptism. There is no end with studybooks for this person.
well i was thinking... kinda random stuff this morning.
there was on the news of volcano eruption in brussel and it was so cool looking.
no injuries were found but i got to see the lava and thinking how beautiful it was.
I would hate the perfection
i don't usually post regarding my personal relationship, but i need some help.. i've been married for 20+ years (married young, both of us raised as witnesses), and my wife and i have kids.
my wife feels like i've disappointed her, made a fool of her, and betrayed her when i stopped being a witness.
other than the witness-thing we seem to have a pretty good marriage, but she can't get over the fact that i'm never going to be a witness again.
What helped us in similar situation was that we agreed on writing letters to eachother explaining the viewpoints and reasoning behind our differing decisions. It was much easier to do it in written format as you really could put everything there, correcting and rephrasing before delivering. Doing the same in oral confrontation would just have been that, a confrontation, where neither me or her could have had possibility to say everything.
We could in then following discussions agree to disagree, but not let this go over our marriage.
What she, and also my wife initially, is really asking is you to continue to "believe", not because your love to Jehovah but to her. When my wife understood that this was her actual request, she understood to drop it.
Be strong, you must be able to protect your own happiness in first place, then you are also capable protecting your family's happiness too. If you accept doing things that are against your conscious you will sooner or later find yourself in same situation with bigger wounds to heel. But on the other side remember to equally respect her decision in this matter and do your outmost to support here in following that path. But it really do not need to mean that you must go against your personal principles.
please contact kira directly if you're interested.. .
my name is kira harris and i am a phd student at edith cowan university.
the aim of my research is to further the understanding of the disengagement process through in-depth interviews with participants who self-identify as ex-members of entatitive social groups.
I really do not understand the attitude setting here. Most of people in this forum seems to ridicule JW rules forbidding/discouraging higher level education. Here is then possibility to support someone who is involved in higher level of education, I know it is not easy stuff the get necessary amount of interviewees on these setups to get data on valid level.
Just wondering if people here are actually against university studies for some reason. In my small part of the world it is common practise that study searches are conducted in discussion groups or forums of target groups, similar to this forum.
Maybe I'm just not that great in understanding humour.
my wife and i had stopped going to meetings in april; in december of that year we travelled interstate and stayed with the witness couple who had "brought me into the truth".
we had already told them we'd quit meetings and there was a certain tension in the air for the first couple of days until sunday morning, when, over a breakfast that eventually lasted several hours, they began to interrogate us about why we had left.
had we been stumbled?
Thank's for reposting.
Well, this is loaded question, but it could mean different things to one asking and to one answering. In the very same way as your example about householder.
Just for speculation cause, the answer can be given based on your horizon and the answer will be interpreted by the one hearing it, based on their horizon. If we detach the parable of the slave from what is present today as WT, GB and associated organisations, the answer for non-WT believer could be yes. Maybe there is that kind of organisation or that kind of slave-servant somewhere. I really do not need to have identified or seen that slave in order to be able to believe that such exist. Do this type of reasoning ring any bells?
I really do not need to care how the other party is understanding my answer if it really do not matter for me. If there is no message I absolutelly want to get through. In the very same way as if my wife would be asking if the dress looks nice on her. I could think it's pure horror, but if it really do not matter for me, but matters for her, I would say yes, just to please her.
my wife and i had stopped going to meetings in april; in december of that year we travelled interstate and stayed with the witness couple who had "brought me into the truth".
we had already told them we'd quit meetings and there was a certain tension in the air for the first couple of days until sunday morning, when, over a breakfast that eventually lasted several hours, they began to interrogate us about why we had left.
had we been stumbled?
For us IE users unable to install other browsers, would it be possible to re-enter what was written after this sentence in initial posting.
He looked my wife in the eye and asked her,
a jw friend of mine sent me this email today:.
assembly day points...... .
brother morris, (member of the governing body).
He repeatedly said with all his counsel….this is not the Governing Body saying this - this is Jehovah speaking to you.
Just wondering, if this is message directly from Jehovah, why is this warning given to just one assembly and not to all hard working believers simultaneously around the globe.
this may have been covered a few years back but the thought came to me just how much money the wathtower lost in contributions when they got rid of the book study groups in witnesess homes.
my book group was at my parents house and as it was always full, over 30 drones every tuesday night.
this caused mayhem in the road outside with all the cars double parking etc... the jw's at my group always put loads of wonga into the tin on the welsh dresser!
I can't remember any contribution boxes at book studies. But it can be my fault also, I was succesfull in ignoring them at KH too, most of the time.
me and mom was having a conversation over breakfast a few weeks ago, and she brought up the circuit assembly that she just the brothers warned about apostates and going on 'questionable' internet sites.
we started talking about heaven and 'the generation' change.
i told her how could a paradise happen when science prove otherwise.
It is absolutelly correct that almighty God could change science, that's why he is almighty. But I see one problem there, somewhere in the very beginning of the book Bible it states in multiple places that after him creating lot's of stuff he looked at it and it was good (if not perfect, what could you expect from almighty). Changing the science would kind of make me think that the original good was not good enough, including science. Why wouldn't almighty create the goodest enough in the first place, or do we think he was just testing some ideas, like the dinosaurs were some kind of test and not something that would produce huge amount of fertiliser to young earth?
christian congregation of jehovah's witnesses'.
same meeting.
I Never ever used the prices in lodging list, and very seldom even the hotels. I always found better deal than convention price if hotel had availibility (In general group pricing is higher in travel industry than individual pricing), and many times there were much nicer hotels better located available in the area, for even lower rate. The latter with one additional bonus, less people looking how you would behave after convention day without your badge on. You really must seek your own personal benefit first.
Yes, organisation will receive some benefit from using the designated hotels for designated prices. It could be in form of monetary incentive, or amount of free rooms and free meal arrangements to organiser body can be related to room nights booked. In general the hotel industry have a problem when calculating reports for nights used, if you do not use the organisation dedicated fare, they are not able to relate your booking to this organisation. This applies even for corporate fares, there is always discrepancy in figures comparing hotel's and ie. TMC's reports as hotel sees only corporate rate bookings belonging to corporation, not if they use another rate. The reporting is basically based on usage of specific rate in hotels, not like in airline industry where code attached to booking relates it to corporation, not the rate used. If organisation is using third party organiser, like Travel Management Company to arrange these, these sales may add up in their yearly volume, enabling in overall lower transactional fees for their other travel arrangements. It's really not about "we wan't to stay loyal to our business partners" kind of thing, there are also other strings attached.