We ate christmas food and opened gifts given by non-JW relatives and then did other things. We never ever even fantisized going in field service on such days. Other friends in congregation might have done things in other way.
we ways went on the menastry !.
this was always a waist of time on xmas day, but you know what we always has a full turkey dinner after getting back from the door knocking.. i live in the uk at the moment but will soon move to alberta in canada, what did your jw family do on xmas day did you have family over etc... .
this year we had nobody.
We ate christmas food and opened gifts given by non-JW relatives and then did other things. We never ever even fantisized going in field service on such days. Other friends in congregation might have done things in other way.
i found this on the jw archive site.
No they don't. But, it is considered, if not directly evil, at least stupid endangerement of your spiritual health. Loss of eventual privileges, being considered as bad association and similar counter actions are possible, but higher education as such will not lead to DF'ing. Only few things are really forbidden but many will lead to loss of your status.
CP, without reading the thread concerned.
let me start with: i havent been to a meeting in almost 2 years, i am "inactive" and the only contact i have w the jw is the an open minded jw friend who i talk to....since i left, i have done what i want, travel, get my nose pierced again (had it pierced before i baptized but they gave me hell for it, even thought the bible doesnt say anything bad about nose piercings) and hang out w "wordly" friends who smoke, drink and swear.... i don't smoke but lately i have been giving this friend a ride and he is a-pack a day type of guy... he left his pack in my car yesterday..... so, i am working evenings this week on a special project, and this morning i decided to run some errands.
i was hungry so i stopped at macdonalds to grab some coffee... i placed my order thru the drive thru and pull over to the pay window, as i look for the money the drive-thru attendant says "wow, hello free!
", i look up and omfg one of the brothers from my congo... i acted like normal (sorry but i dont get nervous of agitated when i see a jw, i just dont give a dang) and smiled and made short conversation, while he is tellng me how much he misses seeing me at the hall, i see his eyes going between my piercing, my jet black goth hair and the pack of cigarettes on my passenger seat.... .
You could start with asking from McDonalds corporation what they think about that their workers are telling to third parties about their customers. I don't think your looks or facilities in your car in this customer servicing event are any other business than yours and McDonalds. Even the fact that your customership to a specific company is revealed in this way by corporate representative should be banned in code of conduct if not even illegal.
i wake up thinking: what if my boyfriend and i die a terrifying death during armageddon?
with no hope of any life afterwards?.
do any of you ever feel that way?.
Let's assume it's right, what is the worst thing that will happen?
You and me and many others will die, terrifying dead or normal, I do not know, but that's it.
If JW view is right there is nothing after that, nothing to worry in my view. And on top of that if they ain't right we will die anyways sooner or later. Then I wish they are right about nothingness.
going along with the last thread ( great subject matter) .
i'm sort of hitching along here.. we had a bookstudy at our home for several years, every week we were prepared, and we handled service arraingements every saturday morning, even with two young children.. one saturday morning, ( in the middle of winter) one son had a bad cold, and our furnace konked out around 8:15 am.. i was running around trying to get ready for service, calling a repair man, and help my wife get ready for service.. the group comes in at 9:00, and i'm on the phone talking to the repair man who wants to come out between 10-2.. so i'm not going out this morning, and i'm staying home with my sick son, wife and son #2 are going out in service.. conductor comes downstairs and looks at the furnace ( he is a school teacher, no mechanical experience at all, check out my earlier thread video under friends, page 5827 titled "elder makes a video,,,, this is the same guy ) and gives me the classic guilt trip because i'm not going out in service for at least an hour this morning.. i remember thinking just who is this guy, trying to make me feel bad because my family is #1, service is not my focus today.. after all of these years, i cannot help but think of this comment now :.
"nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent", e. roosevelt.
Ok new try, IE9 compatibility setting must be switched of for some functions but be put on for some others. Life is big learning curve.
There was one brother, not about field service but about meetings. "I haven't seen you lately, nice to see you", with funny facial expression. I tried to explain that it has been busy at work and I have been traveling. He offers counseling, "you should really consider your relation to work, maybe you should look something else, your work is disturbing your theocratic life". Yes, for me this was easy excuse that usually stopped the discussion, obviously travelling makes it difficult to attend meeting, but mainly it was my motivational side that stopped me.
i was baptized in 1986.. 2 generation changes..
OK, new try
I'm no longer a child.
going along with the last thread ( great subject matter) .
i'm sort of hitching along here.. we had a bookstudy at our home for several years, every week we were prepared, and we handled service arraingements every saturday morning, even with two young children.. one saturday morning, ( in the middle of winter) one son had a bad cold, and our furnace konked out around 8:15 am.. i was running around trying to get ready for service, calling a repair man, and help my wife get ready for service.. the group comes in at 9:00, and i'm on the phone talking to the repair man who wants to come out between 10-2.. so i'm not going out this morning, and i'm staying home with my sick son, wife and son #2 are going out in service.. conductor comes downstairs and looks at the furnace ( he is a school teacher, no mechanical experience at all, check out my earlier thread video under friends, page 5827 titled "elder makes a video,,,, this is the same guy ) and gives me the classic guilt trip because i'm not going out in service for at least an hour this morning.. i remember thinking just who is this guy, trying to make me feel bad because my family is #1, service is not my focus today.. after all of these years, i cannot help but think of this comment now :.
"nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent", e. roosevelt.
i was baptized in 1986.. 2 generation changes..
i volunteered to help out at an assembly hall build about an hour away from where i live.. i thought it would be an amazing experience & was looking forward to it very much.. when i went to reception i was asked if i had any trade skills, it was just about then i began to realise because i had no 'blue collar' trade skills i would be treated as a lesser person.........maybe even a slight nuisance.. as all the 'brothers' busily carried out their 'manly' tasks it became quite a discouraging experience because i found other 'unskilled' jw's guarded their jobs very closely & said they did not need any help.. if it was a place of christian joy i did not find.. .
I have only experience from KH and Bethelbuilds so cannot say if it was different in Assembly hall buildings, guess not. I am absolutelly not skilled in construction thing, but I had been following one nice brother earlier in hallbuilds helping with one specific area of construction. So I had experience in that and was always accepted as part of the group doing that part of construction as I could do the simpler jobs for them and they could concentrate on more important things.
There wasn't sufficient amount of work for whole time so I had lots of idle time in hall builds, there were small ad-hoc things that I was then invited from coffeetable. But I must say that in general people were in good mood in hall builds, not least for food and coffee service. Then the rules changed that you had to be in good standing and approved by local elders, that was end of it to me. On the other hand my lifesituation wouldn't let me do lots of building anyway.
But it was very different in Bethel build, most of the people there were real professionals in their area, and to be honest, not very humble in many cases. I was temporary unskilled helper there and boy those pro's could curse and look badly if you missed something they knew by heart. It was much easier to do lonely things like giving directions to cranes. What I really couldn't understand was the amount of time that was lost for changing gears for food and back. There was arrangement made for lazy types that they were served food outside the premises and they did not have to change. I needed some rest so I did the whole showering/clothing thing couple extra times each day, most of us did. I admit that I also wanted to feel the atmosphere in dining room during those weeks I worked there.
i used to really like the drawings as a kid.
the artists, i think, are usually pretty good, not so much at portraying emotions but in technical ways.
the photos always seemed silly to me.. so what do all of you think?.
Ok, it's good to hear that I am not alone with my bestial view
One more memory popped up when I was thinking the Paradise lost book. I was small kid before My Bible Stories era, I remember most of the children having this orange Paradise lost book with them in meetings to watch something theocratical while not listening to meetings. It had lots of pictures and therefore it was even used to teach children about God and Bible, and some JW stuff also I'm sure.