JoinedTopics Started by eric356
The impossible delusion of evolution
by brotherdan in
2011 Yearbook - "Tracing All Things with Accuracy"
by pirata in2011 yearbook - "tracing all things with accuracy", p.9-13.
jesus said that the faithful slave would be discreet in giving the domestics "their food at the proper time.
" christ thus indicated that those who dispense this "food" would be conscientious, prudent, and discerning in providing spiritual food for the household of faith.-matt.
Help me make sence of William Lane Craigs nonsense
by bohm intoday i tried to read a transcript of a debate william lane craig had a few years back.
this particular argument which i have heard him give many times stumbled me for all the wrong reasons.
the argument is as this: (
Has Something Gone Wrong With the Scientific Method?
by metatron in
this crisis has been brewing for some time but not receiving public attention.
there is some evidence that placebo responses may be growing!.
Study Reports That Circumcision Helps Stop Wart Virus
by Scott77 inhi fellow guys, its high time to go for the surgeon's knife.
(reuters) - researchers have documented yet another health benefit for circumcision, which can protect men against the aids virus, saying it can protect their wives and girlfriends from a virus that causes cervical cancer.. wives and girlfriends of circumcised men had a 28 percent lower rate of infection over two years with the human papilloma virus or hpv, which causes warts and cervical cancer, they reported in the lancet medical journal on thursday.. "our findings indicate that male circumcision should now be accepted as an efficacious intervention for reducing the prevalence and incidence of hpv infections in female partners.
however, protection is only partial; the promotion of safe sex practices is also important," dr. maria wawer and colleagues at johns hopkins university in baltimore wrote.. wawer's team piggybacked the hpv study onto a larger study that has shown circumcised men are less likely to be infected with the human immunodeficiency virus that causes aids.. "we enrolled hiv-negative men and their female partners between 2003 and 2006, in rakai, uganda," they wrote in their report in the lancet medical journal.. they were able to get details on hpv infections for nearly 1,000 of the women, all identified by men as long-term sex partners such as wives.
Reliable Reporting in the Awake
by maninthemiddle inconcider this a follow up to the previous dinosaur thread.
i was interestd in what else might have been said and i found this:.
from *** g75 6/8 p. 5 a worldwide floodwhat does it mean to you?
"The Case for Christ"
by Ding inpeople who leave the wts have to decide what to do with jesus and the bible.. for an interesting read defending the bible's accounts of jesus from an evangelical perspective, i recommend lee strobel's 1998 book the case for christ.. strobel is a former atheist who used to be a journalist for the chicago tribune.. he later become a protestant pastor.. no, i don't get any money from sales of the book; in fact, you can probably get a copy free through your local library system.. in order to help you decide whether or not you'd be interested in this book, here are the titles of the chapters:.
part 1: examining the record.
chapter 1: the eyewitness evidence: can the biographies of jesus be trusted?.
Non-evidence reasons why people embrace Evolution.
by hooberus inevolutionists always claim that the reason why they believe in evolution and reject creation is due to "evidence".
they frequently use the opposite term "no evidence" in relation to any type of intelligent design, or creation, (and especially to genesis creation and flood history !).
their advocated beliefs always tend to include whatever is necessary to believe in to intellectually "explain" the existence of the universe, world, and its creatures without needing god).
Warning To All: Taxes Next Year (2011)
by Scott77 indisclaimer: iam not the author but just merely sharing what i have just read.
its up to each reader to form his or her opinion after reading it.. .
in just six months, the largest tax hikes in the history of america will.
Evolution a fact? You betcha!
by Awakened at Gilead injust wrote a new blog post on the subject at freeminds, discussing why even creationists accept some evolutionary ideas without realizing it.... .