"One thing that I have found interesting is the facts that evolutionists always, always engage in source attacks whenever any non-evolutionist resource is recommended (or even referenced) be it website or book. "
One thing I find interesting is that creationists always complain when actual scientists point out that their sources are not-qualified / uninformed / fringe. Pointing out that someone doesn't know what their talking about is not an ad hominem.
I don't understand how creationists can possibly dismiss the current state of science in so many fields. Evolution is supported by evidence from a huge variety of research fields, including (obviously) biology, but also geology, chemistry, and physics. How does a creationist grapple with the fact that virtually all biologists, from every country, political affiliation, and religious or non-religious philosophical position all agree that evolution is the best explanation for the diversity of life on earth, while the creationist "side" is represented only by a meager smattering of scientists (often speaking about things that are not qualified to speak about) and laymen that are always conservative religious believers? Where is the "skepticism" of this state of affairs?
If "creation science" was actually true, and therefore offered any scientific insight or chance for commercial application, why is there so little investment in this research area? Why is it that biology departments in universities all over the world devote huge amounts of time and money advancing the state of knowledge about how biological systems develop and work, whereas all creationists have is tiny apologetic "research" efforts and shiny-suited preachers on Sunday morning TV? If one thinks this is caused by some giant conspiracy, why is that no rogue country, university, or company has broken away from the pack to revolutionize the field of biology? Why, even in Middle Eastern countries with conservative religious governments and a conservative, creationist Islamic population, the public universities *still* teach and research biological evolution, not creationism?
Where are the creationist breakthroughs? Why do they spend all of their time writing popular-level books, talking in churches, and indoctrinating children instead of getting the lab coat or rock hammer out and doing real science? Why are no creationists incredulous of this situation?