Well lead may be poisonous but taking small amounts of it will not kill you.
Vaccinations are virii injected into us to make us better able to withstand a full virus.
As a kid, I worshiped demons like Santa Clause and the tooth fairy without knowing what I was doing. I saw hypocrisy in the Church as well.
As a college bound adult, I threw away my old protestant religion because I had a taste of it and knew it was wrong.
I was later (much later) fooled by the WTB&TS thinking they were on the same line of thinking as I but I found the same bad taste with them
I do not consider myself dying because of the poisons I took in. I am better able to see through each group now and am better for it.
So in my personal religion, I have beliefs, and still seek the way to either higher conciousness or the creator, even if it is not based on anyone else's notions.