jean-luc picard
Your reasoning was very Vulcan!
wt dec-2014 page4: "a bulgarian woman named irana rigthly observed, -it is not posspible to be close to god if you don t know his name.
if so many know his name, why this debate "jehovah vs yahweh" then?.
jean-luc picard
Your reasoning was very Vulcan!
*** w52 10/1 599 a strong refuge today *** .
11 haters of god and his people are to be hated, but this does not mean that we will take any opportunity of bringing physical hurt to them in a spirit of malice or spite, for both malice and spite belong to the devil, whereas pure hatred does not.
we must hate in the truest sense, which is to regard with extreme and active aversion, to consider as loathsome, odious, filthy, to detest.
I have a different view. Unless an branded an apostate, the view of disfellowshipped persons is as a brother or sister who is lost and the only way to help them is through shunning them from the attention of the cong. This is akin to spanking a child. It has to be done, or they would not learn.
Here is why I think they believe this. Note how new ones who are interested are treated.
A new one may be a killer, drug dealer, preacher, atheist, gay, muslim cleric and these people who are from the outside will be invited to meetings and gatherings (if allowed) to show them how much better it is to be a witness.
There are more hours put in by the whole cong with helping interested ones to come in, regardless of their different world views.
this is an ad for bitdefender antivirus.
it makes me twitch just looking at it.. what is really strange is that they have no products that have awake anywhere in them.. .
Keep on the watch for Malware.. LOL
are there any statistics to show that proportionally the jw's are growing at a greater rate outside of western countries and, in particular, the african continent?.
if so, anybody's guess ?.....
1] by what year would the organization be predominantly african in membership?.
It would be interesting to show any signifigant growth of a particular nation. The numbers are tabulated in the yearbook right?
I would be sure to never move there
what are your thoughts about this topic , pros and cons.. smiddy.
As The United States or America continues to export jobs, the wealth balnce must fall to outside countries. Already, China is a construction powerhouse around the globe. It should not be too many decades down the road before they get paid to ship ther equipment and their workers for US domestic construction. The situation with the poor in the US will worsen, til there might be extreme goals to eradicate those who are not in a top 10%. Communism might be seen as an answer once again. The world ahead is not one I would want to see. Maybe I'll go back to the Kingdom Hall and pray all this happens ... NOT.
so last night i was talking to my sister about how i admired president obama's speech to the u.n that happened earlier that day.. i then compared the extremism of isis to how much of a fanatic my jw bil is.. at the end of the statement , my mom walked in to the kitchen.
she was standing in the living room and she heard everything i said.. she called the elders that night to tell them what i said so they can counsel me.. i'm going to meet with them after the meeting on sunday!.
what do i do?!!!!!.
If you do meet with them, use the suggestions pointed out earlier that were honest. You compared your BIL to ISIS. That is a dig and that happens in families. Obviously, you don't mean your BIL chops off heads so no need to deny, deny or lie.
After you meet, if that is your course, offer up to your mom how wonderful it was to talk to the elders and you will continue to meet with them should YOU see problems occuring in the family. Some elders love tattle-tales and juicy family business, some don't. So buddy up to one she does not like if possible.
throughout several past threads various posters have emphatically made the point that countries like great britian, united states, france etc.
basically countries where white people exist, are to blame for the poverty in many other third world nations.
some have even went so far as to suggest that the first world is to blame for all third world conditions.. i often see excuses such as these for why a country refuses to provide clean water, some food and basic sanitation for its people:.
confusedandalone Great chart illustrating that colonialism is still a problem and its departure a pretty recent development in some countries.
Regarding wealth, most industrialized nations have fiat backed currency. The US used to have a gold standard. What was the real reason for the switchover?
Regarding natural resources, Gold has been mined more often in the last 2 decades than it had been when the US made it illegal for citizens to hold amounts of gold.
If you owned gold in the US you were required to relinquish it and be paid $20 oz. The US government then rised the prise to $35os, instant profit. But a new standard was set. Western money is no longer dependent on a tangible backing. I'm sure any country would like to do the same to its citizens but doing that Today in a 3rd world country would be seen as a human rights violation.
Wonder what would have happened had the gold standard stayed in place...
i remember one picture of a pretty little girl holding a plastic bucket in paradise next to a tame lion.. i asked my wife if there is going to be polution in paradise?
of course the answer is no!!!!!..
i asked her where did the plastic bucket come from?
Hey, maybe the girl was delusional and thought she had a plastic bucket.
When paradise earth comes, we will forget these thngs exist becasue apparently, we will all have labotomies that change who we are. A labotomy solves all including the spouse being married to more than one person in their lifetime problem.
Bluesbrother we can't ignore the pictures. The belief is that the art department wouldn't draw it if it weren't true or going to be true. There is always roughly 10% of WT Studies discussing the pictures and what they depict for faithful ones.
I would almost cry when looking at the back page of the old Sing To Jehovah book. Us brothers would be able to wear beards again and wear the ugliest of sandals. The sun must not be a bother and will have rejuxtpositioned itself because one brother in that picture was so pale, he blended in with the page.
throughout several past threads various posters have emphatically made the point that countries like great britian, united states, france etc.
basically countries where white people exist, are to blame for the poverty in many other third world nations.
some have even went so far as to suggest that the first world is to blame for all third world conditions.. i often see excuses such as these for why a country refuses to provide clean water, some food and basic sanitation for its people:.
I wouldn't go so far as to say that capitalism has made life in China better. Their borders are open to western money now and their top brass have benefitted from their human resources and trade. But the divide between the rich and poor there is greater than in the United States of America. Along with humans, China also has vast shipping areas that allow provincial lands totaling areas larger than the US to have direct access to export. India does not have the same political struggles of government versus its people as China, but they can also export with ease. Proven in the middle east, a country that has natural resources such as oil but no egress point will require one by whatever means it can get one. When I look at Africa, a continent, I see quite a lot of land in land-locked small countries than I see vast areas with a sea border controlled by one nation. Even today, oil and large quantities of bulky goods are still being shipped versus being flown, so it can't be argued that an airport that materializes in the middle of nowhere would make a land-locked location a viable exporter of goods.
So there is an infrastructure catch-22. Why build where there is going to be no return? So what do those small countries have of wealth that they can offer to the outside world? It's not their human resources. What about natural ones? It is hard to catchup when your wealthiest natural goods are owned by others. Let's go down to South America and note how its land is divided into couintries. The ones we know all know about that participate in the "western" industrialized base of capital have large coastlines. I suppose at least one big business there might be the cause of troubles in the world, but that is another story.
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So glad this has become a tool to keep eyes upon the org