JoinedTopics Started by fadinfast
In light of Types and Anti types, Russell’s Prophecy nearly right.
by fadinfast inperhaps the closest he came to prophesying anything right, is his baby [the watchtower] grown up..
the term "babylonish.
the word babylonish, as we have frequently pointed out, signifies confusion.
140+ years of its just around the corner the corner the corner..................
by fadinfast in.
outlaw you cracked me up with your hamsters, just my take.
WT Study Article Counsels JWs To Be Humane Towards Disfellowshiped Ones
by baldeagle inwt august 1, 1974 pp.
467-468 maintaining a balanced viewpoint toward disfellowshiped ones.
5 it is right to hate the wrong committed by the disfellowshiped one, but it is not right to hate the person nor is it right to treat such ones in an inhumane way.suppose, then, a member of a christian congregation boating on a lake were to see another boat containing a disfellowshiped person capsize, throwing the disfellowshiped one into the water where he struggled to stay afloat.
What was the best thing the WT did [for you]?
by fadinfast in.
for me it was putting in the fm at the assemblies, now i could listen to interesting things like the cricket, footy, fishing, news, even music [if i kept the volume down] without looking suspicious, instead of all that..... sure you know the story.
Cult V Cult
by fadinfast inthe"investigativejudgment"-abible-baseddoctrine?
wt 97 7/15 p26.
october 22, 1844, was a day of great anticipation for some 50,000 people on the east coast of the united states.
An observation from fading
by fadinfast inmy wife and i have been fading / faded for many years now, it was made easier by an elder 'balls up' over a very serious matter [they say "you have a right to be angry, but you shouldn't loose jehovah's favour by staying away from meetings, buuuut!!?.
] although i have reacted quite strongly to some elders who came by, even admitting to getting court cases off the 'internet', it was passed as 'he's angry'.
i had got to the point where i had decided i didn't care, i would just speak even more openly than i had been [and properly be d/f] when i observed the following happening:.
How many trees does it take to print WTB&TS mags each month?
by wannabefree inif my math is correct .... public watchtower printed each issue: 42,182,000. awake printed each issue: 41,042,000.
7.24" x 9.47" x 16 pages two sides.
16 x 9.47" x 41,042,000. one magazine end to end - 151.52".
What does GB stand for anyway?
by 00DAD ini just noticed this about our favorite 7 guys from brooklyn: .
governing body = good ol' boys.
Pionsneer/Kingdumb Hell/Washtowel and Asleep/Gibbering Body/Ass'emblies/Elderettes/Boasting Sessions
by jookbeard inalso the world wide paedophile fund, have i missed any?.
was thinking about a couple famous quotes...
by cptkirk inand how they might pertain to the wt.
1. grover norquist - "i don't want to abolish government.
i simply want to reduce it to the size where i can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub.".