This is so they can have........ANOTHER NEW PEAK IN WATCHTOWER MAGS!!!!!!
JoinedPosts by pontoon
Simplified Watchtower in English?
by munchausen inlast wed night they read an announcement that there would be an english edition of the watchtower in simplified english.
has there been a discussion on this, or has this letter been read elsewhere than the us?
i would never have guessed that the wt could be 'dumbed down' any more than it is already.
Could ''boredom'' at the Kingdom Hall be one reason why some members leave?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inyou'll find boredom where there is the absence of a good idea earl nightingale quotes (us motivational writer and author, 1921-1989).
let's forget that most members leave due to the wrong beliefs,doctrines and practices of the wts!.
i was bored out of my mind from the repetitive: talks,prayers,ministry school demonstrations,field service talks(peddle magazines),assemblies,special talks and watchtower magazine study articles.
Back when I used to serve I put a tremendous amount of effort into preparation for talks, always trying to find some point that would be new to everyone. I just didn't want to get up there and give the same old that everyone has heard 50 times before. I felt people came to the hall, they deserved a good effort from the ones that had parts. Some of those talks I still remember today. One time one of my talks got me so off theme or topic, but I figured what the hell, its actually interesting, I'll do it anyway, thinking I would even get some light-hearted counsel about it. The response to it after the meeting was huge. The "friends" were just so enthustic to hear something that they hadn't heard before. I think less effort into talk preparation was the start of my fade, though I didn't know it then.
Elders who drink too much?
by hoser inin the feb 15 study watchtower pg 29 paragraph 5 it asks"if you choose to drink alcohol you should ask yourself?
if i need to counsel others on this matter do i have freeness of speech?.
when i read between the lines i get this" you elders are drinking too much and no one is listening to you when you tell them to cut back on the booze".
When Wat farm personal new I was making a trip to the north, I would get lists of booze to pick up for them because it was quite a bit cheaper up north. Not just a couple of bottles---a LOT. One farm elder woul give me a list (all different kinds of booze) that would fill a case. I finally stopped because it was a pain keeping it all straight, making the exchanges in the KH parking lot, and collecting my money.
No More Life Story
by Farkel infor reasons i've stated in the window washers thread, i will not write and post any more about my life as a jw.. thank you, "yesidid.
" you're a real gem.. farkel.
We don't know each other, but I've been lurking for about a year and a few posts for a month or so now. I had over 40 yrs. in. I think you must have a long JW history as well. Your posts always make me smile. I enjoyed reading your part 1. In life there are always people that are best to just ignor. Just not worth getting your blood pressure up over them. I admire you squeege skill. When my older sister married a special pioneer ex-bethelite, (way back in the 70's), they moved way up in the NE. Dead of winter time. I went out window washing with him on big store front windows on Main St. You had to squeege that window down and at the same same time pull the pole out so it didn't go into the sidewalk. I was freezing. it was snowing, my brother in law was pissed I was streaking the windows. He took the pole away from me. I thought my sister married a crazy man. One or two days a week he made A LOT OF MONEY!! Long time ago. Keep that story comming.
Australian Convention Pioneer family Experience - We found our vegetables in the gutter..why do they wanna be Martyrs?
by Witness 007 ina couple years ago district convention - a pioneer family with two kids explained how they had ran out of funds and had no they turned the corner out witnessing they saw a vegetable truck had spilled some produce in the gutter and so "jehovah provided in our time of need..." i felt like yelling get a job you bum stop starving!!
not encouraging.
this week an elder with pnemonia discharges himself from hospital, promising to remain he can go out preaching!
Totally agree Sue. If Jeh were providing he would do much better than food from the gutter. Unless maybe the angel he assigned to provide was slacking, maybe he needs to be talked to. Like how about a pizza hut garbage pie and Coke delivered to their house by mistake. Should be workable, we're talking supernatural here.
Australian Convention Pioneer family Experience - We found our vegetables in the gutter..why do they wanna be Martyrs?
by Witness 007 ina couple years ago district convention - a pioneer family with two kids explained how they had ran out of funds and had no they turned the corner out witnessing they saw a vegetable truck had spilled some produce in the gutter and so "jehovah provided in our time of need..." i felt like yelling get a job you bum stop starving!!
not encouraging.
this week an elder with pnemonia discharges himself from hospital, promising to remain he can go out preaching!
without question fine examples of modern day miracles----no, wait, Jeh we learned doesn't do miracles for individuals any more, must be just chance & they don't mind eating garbage
Favorite quote from 2011 School for Ministerial Servants
by iamwhoiam in"let's see a show of hands of those who know that the end is very close (everyone raises thier hands while looking around at each other).
excellent!...we know this because we have a whole-hearted faith in the faithful and discreet slave don't we?".
no explanation needed .
Talked to my dad on the phone a week ago. He is old. He thinks I'm missing a few meetings because of my work schedule. He doesn't know I haven't been to the hall at all since April. He just got back from his first MS school, all he had to say about it was how wonderful the GB is. Thats what stood out in his mind. Not able to reason with him. It depresses me.
Pink Floyd - Your Favorite Songs by Them ? You-tubes Welcome !
by flipper in.
same as Magwitch--Us and Them
The Doors - Your Favorite Songs By Them ? YOU-tubes Welcome !
by flipper in.
LA Woman
What Was Your Attitude When A Householder Slammed The Door In Your Face?
by minimus indid you get angry?
feel pity?
not care?.
got that one done