Just thinking how many KHs out their with no mortgage? Now all these halls paying monthly to the Society. How many millions more money will be flowing into Society each month. Gonna be just like the assembly halls, local circuits pay to build and maintain halls but have to pay overpriced "rents" to the society to use them. Own the KH mortgage free?-- it don't matter, pay up. Society is unmatchable in its greed, genuises in scamming money and getting away with it. In what other senario could a corporation get away with crap like this except under the name of religion? Worse than corrupt politics.
JoinedPosts by pontoon
donation arrangement=money generating machine
by pontoon injust thinking how many khs out their with no mortgage?
now all these halls paying monthly to the society.
how many millions more money will be flowing into society each month.
Donation Changes-Elders Meeting
by XBEHERE inso we had our elders meeting to discuss the 3/29 lboe...it was was many of you expressed.
below are some of the quotes from the elders:.
"we just need to keep the focus on jehovah's work, remind the friends of this".
I've said before on other threads over the years but it needs repeating hear. We had a bethelite couple in our hall who became missionaries in Africa someplace. They returned for needed medical attention so of course they visited and we had a special talk about their missionary work in Africa. He talked about their brand new KH----that for lack of $300 dollars they were not able to finish it. When I spoke with him after I questioned why the Society was not giving them any money. Lots of excuses but the bottom line was those poor brothers could not show they had the means to pay the money back. The Society may fund a build but they want their money back. Now they want all the money with complete freedom to spend it how they want. They like expensive elaborate complexes for themselves 1st. and are now spending many many millions on themselves and couldn't give crap about some poor pioneer driving a 200,000 mile wore out car and can't afford a tank of gas as long as their circuit overseers are in their new Buicks supported by the friends. They don't pay for anything.
Donation Changes-Elders Meeting
by XBEHERE inso we had our elders meeting to discuss the 3/29 lboe...it was was many of you expressed.
below are some of the quotes from the elders:.
"we just need to keep the focus on jehovah's work, remind the friends of this".
Just thinking for any BOE that has actively serving bethelites on the body it will be harder to not follow direction, hang on to some extra $$, express any negitive comments, bethelites on BOEs are usually 100% tow the company line
Donation Changes-Elders Meeting
by XBEHERE inso we had our elders meeting to discuss the 3/29 lboe...it was was many of you expressed.
below are some of the quotes from the elders:.
"we just need to keep the focus on jehovah's work, remind the friends of this".
XBEHERE can you say what region of the world you are in??
Donation Changes-Elders Meeting
by XBEHERE inso we had our elders meeting to discuss the 3/29 lboe...it was was many of you expressed.
below are some of the quotes from the elders:.
"we just need to keep the focus on jehovah's work, remind the friends of this".
Searcher, no, it's in NY not far from Wat farm. So our body grew to be dominated by the family as appointments were made over the years, dad, sons, brother in laws.....me and 1 or 2 other local brothers, remainder brothers from Wat farm. The number of farm brothers would always vary. Some years ago there was a letter, the gist of it being that if an elder moved to a new congregation with a good letter there was no reason not to quickly reappoint the man. If he was assigned by the Org to the conregation he was automatcally appointed elder. Could be wrong, but that's what I remember. I fought against that, felt a man should have time to settle in, learn people's names and get to "know the appearance of the flock." Anyway these new guys would always vote with the majority.
Donation Changes-Elders Meeting
by XBEHERE inso we had our elders meeting to discuss the 3/29 lboe...it was was many of you expressed.
below are some of the quotes from the elders:.
"we just need to keep the focus on jehovah's work, remind the friends of this".
Might be right Kate, but whatever happens should be interesting. Different BOEs have different dynamics, personalities, alliances within the body....and I believe there will be a number of varied reactions to this new money grab. It's a game changer now, vote to give us all your money (after expenses) and that's it. It will come out in time that some congregations are building up and stashing secret funds because a strong personality on the BOE suggests doing that just in case the congregation needs money in a hurry to repair a ......you name it. One body I served on of 9-14 men, about 7 of them were related, fathers, sons, son in law. Lots of times you knew the "family" had already decided which way a decision was going to go before the BOE meeting. Now in a case like that if the family leader is a DON'T **** WITH MY MONEY type of a guy eventually it will be reflected in the body. Should all be fun to watch how it develops over time.
Donation Changes-Elders Meeting
by XBEHERE inso we had our elders meeting to discuss the 3/29 lboe...it was was many of you expressed.
below are some of the quotes from the elders:.
"we just need to keep the focus on jehovah's work, remind the friends of this".
When the BOE wants money (back) for some unexpected expense and the Society questions it, refuses, sends in a company man to check the validity of the request......whatever, you'll see the tone of the BOE meetings change.
Is this new donation arrangement for real?
by nugget injust read a post on jwsurvey about the new donation arrangement.
congregations are to pledge a monthly amount to be sent to the society to fund the building of assembly halls and kingdom halls.
congregations who already have a loan from the society will no longer have to pay back the loan but the amount pledged should not be less than the current monthly repayments to the society.
Don't anybody make it sound like the borg is building K and A halls with their money. The money is from the brothers in that build area. If it came from the borg it has to be paid back. If the new cong doesn't have the means to pay back it may become a circuit issue. If that doesn't work they don't get the money.
Is this new donation arrangement for real?
by nugget injust read a post on jwsurvey about the new donation arrangement.
congregations are to pledge a monthly amount to be sent to the society to fund the building of assembly halls and kingdom halls.
congregations who already have a loan from the society will no longer have to pay back the loan but the amount pledged should not be less than the current monthly repayments to the society.
I believe much of the money is for headquaters---Patterson, Wallkill, Warwick. Everything in those facilities is expensive, top shelf, the best, new, cutting edge, and any other adjectives you can think to describe them. Construction and remodeling NEVER stops. Any room or area 10 years old is eligilble for remodel. The money is not earned so it is not valued. The men who control the purse strings have inflated egos with their positions and it's spending money that inflates those egos not saving it and using it wisely. They could build many many KHs for what their new recreation building in Warwick costs, but building new KHs is the least of their concerns. Some years ago a missionary that use to be one of our elders returned from his assignment in Africa some place (to get some needed medical issues fixed) and told us their new KH was at a standstill for lack of $300. Society would not front 300 bucks for them. I also knew personally a brother who controlled who got contracts for work at Wallkill and he had no problem accepting "gifts" from potential contractors or contractors that won the work. It seems though their extravagence is now beginning to go to new extremes.
Jah-Jireh retirement homes web site...GONE?
by Gill indoes any one know where the jah-jireh webs sites, the sites that deal with the jw retirement homes have gone?.
i've been interested in them for a while, (with my age and that) but they've disappeared from the web!.
does anyone know why they might have come of, been taken off, disappeared from the net.. the only reference i can find to them is a list of retirement homes with a religious bent.. thanks all!.