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Chaos at Brooklyn Bethel 12/2016
by James Jack inthis was how it was described to me yesterday by a brother who has been there for some 40 years.
"everyone is about gone; the governing body is set to leave within 2 months; the kitchen and laundry personnel are gone and i have to fend for myself now.".
"also the aggravation of 4 to 5 business men in suits with clipboards daily checking out the watchtower properties.
Something not right that a volunteer can lay off another volunteer. Who gave the volunteer the authority to do that?----other volunteers. The GB are volunteers, another volunteer ought to go lay them off. It all stinks. -
If a year is really 365 1/4 days why 360 days to calculate 1914
by blondie indoesn't that throw off the date?.
*** w51 6/15 p. 383 questions from readers ***.
in establishing the length of the seven times of the gentiles, a time or year of 360 days is used, to give 2,520 days, which become 2,520 years when ezekiel 4:6 is applied.
I used to teach electricity to state inmates. Some guys got it, some didn't. The guys that didn't I would try to figure out where they went wrong, why they screwed up a circuit, what were they thinking. Most of the time I couldn't so my conclusion was I was trying to make sense out of nonsense, can't do it. Same thing here isn't it? Can't make sense out of nonsense. -
What was your ''the last straw that broke the camels back'' moment
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthere is a limit to how much straw (long yellow grass) a camel can carry on its back.
if you keep putting more straw on top, it will finally break the camel's back.
when you are at the last straw you are finally angry and will not take any more.. my moment (to stop attending all watchtower meetings) was after the harsh treatment from the elders and fellow congregation members of my second cousin who was disfellowhipped as a teenager.
2010, already mentally out, I'm in the hall and about halfway through the Wat study I thought I can't do this anymore, walked out and never went back. -
Pranks to play in the hall...
by purrpurr inwhat pranks could you/would you/ have you played in the kingdom hall?.
i have never but here's two i've thought of, 1) replace the liquid soap with glue 2) smear nutella everywhere in the bathroom!.
what's yours?.
When a brother is giving a talk stand in the back and motion to him to zip up his fly. -
Where are you from?
by BeautifulMind ini know we are all anonymous for our own personal reasons, so i understand if you would rather not say.
but if you don't mind sharing that would be cool.
i currently live in georgia, usa.
Home By the Sea, did a lot of skiing at Ellicottsville. Truthseeker and JustMe2, I just love Indian Lake Islands Campground, Speculator and the museum. -
Where are you from?
by BeautifulMind ini know we are all anonymous for our own personal reasons, so i understand if you would rather not say.
but if you don't mind sharing that would be cool.
i currently live in georgia, usa.
Folks from upstate NY.....that is anywhere north/northwest of NYC. How about the region---Adirondacks, Finger Lakes, Catskills, Western NY, I'm in the Hudson Valley. -
Where has all the money gone?
by gingerbread ina number of years ago when i was still active, our service group was having a coffee break with the visiting circuit overseer.
during the conversation he mentioned that the "society" was now being run like a business.
being raised in the "truth" i thought that rather odd (and my eyes began to be opened!
All above interesting speculation on what is going on. My thoughts... I always felt the corp was so rich they couldn't spend it fast enough, I still don't discount that. Remember, they don't build KH's, the locals pay for them. When I worked construction the largest project I was involved with was $15,000,000, Warwick has to be 20x bigger than that. GB members don't get any more money (not looking at perks) than any other Bethelite, or are they just allowing us to believe that? On a assembly hall project I know for a fact that certain "volunteers" were paid to be there full time, which is OK but still very undercover, I'm sure there are ways checks can be written. Assemblies, especially in corp owned halls are HUGE money makers. Even in poorer halls often there is one or two people that have a lot of money and are the financial backbone of the hall. They take a personal pride/responsibility in keeping the hall's bank account in good shape. With the corp robbing the hall's money the wallets of those benefactors will stay closed -
Where are you from?
by BeautifulMind ini know we are all anonymous for our own personal reasons, so i understand if you would rather not say.
but if you don't mind sharing that would be cool.
i currently live in georgia, usa.
Hudson Valley, New York, not far from Wat Farm, Patterson, the place at the lake Warwick and the many properties the corp owns around Newburgh NY. -
If you still believe, do you go to church?
by ThinkerBelle inwhile i'm still finding my journey and figuring out what exactly i believe in, i'm curious to know if others on this board who do still believe in a god attend other churches and what drew you to them.
sorry if this topic has been brought up before, i tried to do a search, but didn't find what i was looking for.. having been born and raised in jwland, how easily do you give up those doctrines that have been so thoroughly engrained?
even sort of celebrating (more like acknowledging, no party) my son's birthday seemed so strange to me because i've never done that, but it felt good to see him smile about it.
I go to a 100 yr old church down the road 4 times a year......their pot roast dinner, their chicken barbecue, their pancake breakfast, and finally my favorite, their roast beef dinner. They are a little pricey, but well worth it. Just love it. -
Would like to meet some ex JW's in that area