I'm out since 2010. Very seldom do they even stop at my house anymore. Sometimes when they do I know they don't want to talk, they knock softly, leave a watchtower pamphlet (no longer a magazine) and leave fast.
JoinedPosts by pontoon
Will Watchtower target the inactive?
by ToesUp inif watchtower has no reason to df ones.
they have just become inactive.
do you all think wt will begin a witch hunt (df'ing) for these inactive ones?
How Many Here EVER Considered Going Back To Meetings?
by minimus inonce i left ,i was done.
in over 10 years i didn't return except for my mother's funeral.
did you ever re enter the kh after you left?.
Out since 2010. Haven't been back, not once.
JW.org is a real estate and publishing company disguesd as a religion.
by UNCONDITIONAL LOVE insince my awakening i have tried to understand why and how people could continue to believe so blindly in a proven false "religious" cult that has such an extensive and detailed record of scandals, lies and cover ups???
i've come to the personal conclusion that there are three major reasons.
i call them the 3 f-ups!
A real estate and MEDIA corporation
Why would Jehovah God write the Ten Commandments on two tablets of stone ,in the first place ?
by smiddy3 ini mean to say he is the creator of the universe isn`t he ?
so why would he use such a method that is subject to crumbling over time ?.
i remember a jw talk/mag.
No paper, bic out of ink, staples closed, who knows?
Prayers ,are they answered ? or is it just self delusion ?
by smiddy3 inafter 33 years as a jw and leaving 25 years ago i think prayer can be summed up with the jews praying at the wailing wall.. all they are doing is talking to a brick wall ,and getting no feed back.
and they expect an answer to their prayers ?!.
christians /other beliefs might find that funny but they are no better off.. prayer is always a one way street you talk either vocally or mentally to god however you never get the same back .. if god " so loved the world that he doesnt want any to be destroyed but have everlasting life " then whats the problem with him audibly answering his servants prayers ?
Here's some JW logic I remember. Your "enduring" severe persecution. Praying fervently for it to stop. Now your enemies kill you. PRESTO!!! Jeh answered your prayer!!! He "allowed you to die" affording you a "way out" of the persecution. Wow, what a great powerful god.
When I think about crap like this I understand why I was never 100% in.
Prayers ,are they answered ? or is it just self delusion ?
by smiddy3 inafter 33 years as a jw and leaving 25 years ago i think prayer can be summed up with the jews praying at the wailing wall.. all they are doing is talking to a brick wall ,and getting no feed back.
and they expect an answer to their prayers ?!.
christians /other beliefs might find that funny but they are no better off.. prayer is always a one way street you talk either vocally or mentally to god however you never get the same back .. if god " so loved the world that he doesnt want any to be destroyed but have everlasting life " then whats the problem with him audibly answering his servants prayers ?
Just another corporation contradiction. That god doesn't do personal miracles but will act on behalf of the organization. Let me say, if god answered a prayer it certainly would be a miracle. So which is it? Can't have it both ways
JW critically injured after being electrocuted in assembly hall
by Anders Andersen ina newspaper reports that in bornem, belgium, a jw volunteer was critically injured after being electrocuted:.
bornem - a man was electrocuted while performing maintenance on a high voltage installation in the assembly hall of jw in bornem friday afternoon.
the man was critically injured.. possibly the man, who is a volunteer with the jw, tried to clean the installation with a vacuum cleaner.
Here in the USA not allowed to open a high voltage cabinet without training and wearing the correct rated arc flash protection equipment. Look at some arc flash accidents on you tube.
Chapter 29 New Boy 50 years a Watchtower slave
by new boy inchapter 29.
1500 bottles of brandy.
i'm driving down the fdr drive late one sunday afternoon.
So I frequently used to go to New Hampshire. Booze in NH is cheap and tax free. Wat Farm brothers would give me lists of the booze they wanted me to bring back for them. At first it was for 1 and then 2 brothers in my hall but it soon got out of hand. Cases, and it took quite a while to pick out and get what they all wanted and I'm on my way home without time to screw around picking out sometimes 30-40 bottles of booze for these farm boys. Got to be such a pain picking up and hauling booze back to NY I started not tell anyone when I was going.
Pontoon Hudson Valley NY
Are JWs the most corporate religion?
by cookiemaster ini find it pretty shocking how corporate the jw religion is.
i never saw it this way when i was in but now that i look at it from a different perspective, it seems quite clear.
much of the terminology used by jws is corporate inspired.
If Jesus was alive would he spend his time in Warwick running the corporation and chairing the GB??
What Type of Elder Body Did You Have?
by minimus ini was an elder in two different congregations and both were conservative and strict, especially congregation number one.
it was headed by a former branch servant as they were called back then.
all elders were by the book.
All the bodies I served on we're dominated by too many men from the same family. They never broke rank with each other, so any decision or vote went their way. One bethelite who I thought a lot of showed he had no backbone on a serious case we had. Thought less of him after that. Inconsistent decision making, despite all that I think they were all mostly sincere.