snare&racket. .....I share many of the same memories, but realize that watchtower has not survived as a publishing company. The corp has successfully morphed into probably the largest landlord in the world, receiving rents from tens of thousands of properties, without overhead to maintain them. Watchtower is a very successful real estate corporation.
JoinedPosts by pontoon
The end of an era ......
by snare&racket ini have written some time ago, about how the religion i grew up in no longer exists.
i was an 80’s jw kid who became a pioneer then a bethelite.
they have new meetings, new elder roles, new acronyms, new core teachings, new songs and even a new bible.
Secret sex in the Org
by pomo6780 in2 pioneers of the opposite sex.
the brother is in his mid-20s, sister is in her late 20s.
both are alone in car as the only 2 out in field service.
loneranger---yours is not the only story played out at Minnewaska. There was a group of teenagers from differert congregatios, possibly a farm brother or two that were going to Minnewaska for nice wholesome recreation -- hiking, but that wasn't what they were doing. One sister who knew about it but not involved got nailed on another sex thing and spilled her guts on everyone. Minnewaska orgies. Also happened in the 1990's. I think that was how it went.
what is the sales technique here?
by Kevin McFree injw's will never knock on your door and say, "hi, we are here to convert you".
speaking to a reporter recently a jw media rep at hq said " our main purpose going door to door is not to convert but to share bible truths with people".
does anyone know the sales techniques involved here?
Less likely to scare householder away. But sales are not the object. The object is to keep the obligation of field service alive and well without making it too difficult. That keeps the witnesses tied to the KH where territories and FS is organized and where they can hook up with a friend to go do it. And most important is its where they put their money in the box for the worldwide work. Makes them feel good, fulfilled their FS obligation for the week and made another payment for life in paradise.
Watchtower's new revenue stream, tourism!
by nowwhat? income to "witness world"!
at our new lakeside corporate resort we have a bible museum!
take a picture with caleb and sofia!
Are you serious --- yes, I am serious. They bought the pretty new Marriot next to Orange County Choppers and a short distance down the road they bought the Hampton Inn and the dinner next to it. All within a mile of their flagship Newburgh Assembly Hall
Watchtower's new revenue stream, tourism!
by nowwhat? income to "witness world"!
at our new lakeside corporate resort we have a bible museum!
take a picture with caleb and sofia!
Don't forget to have a fine meal at the JW dinner next door to the hotel. -
Why the move to Warwick?
by optimisticskeptic ini've seen a lot of posts around and about warwick and the goings on there but was curious as to people's theories on why the move to warwick?
granted there's the obvious point about all of the money from the sale of properties in brooklyn but for as massive as warwick is, the purchase of an apartment complex there, multiple sites and buildings i would be surprised if they had much left from all of the profits.
so beyond a financial incentive why move?
Half banana---I like that "across golden pond" I've been calling it "the place at the lake"
Why the move to Warwick?
by optimisticskeptic ini've seen a lot of posts around and about warwick and the goings on there but was curious as to people's theories on why the move to warwick?
granted there's the obvious point about all of the money from the sale of properties in brooklyn but for as massive as warwick is, the purchase of an apartment complex there, multiple sites and buildings i would be surprised if they had much left from all of the profits.
so beyond a financial incentive why move?
optimisticskeptic.........Those funds don't have to last because the $$$$$$$$ just keeps rolling in from thousands of rental properties that cost the corporation ZERO to own/maintain.
I Remember........
by pontoon inwhen my mom first started to study in the 1960's the first kh and congregation we went to was a big open room over a grocery store.
i remember in the 1970's having circuit assemblies in rented facilities the local brothers would arrange for.
i remember three regular accounts, donations for the society, donations for the local congregation/kh, and the literature account.
When my mom first started to study in the 1960's the first KH and congregation we went to was a big open room over a grocery store. I remember in the 1970's having circuit assemblies in rented facilities the local brothers would arrange for. I remember three regular accounts, donations for the society, donations for the local congregation/KH, and the literature account. If the congregation wanted to build a contribution box could be set to get started and the congregation could get a loan commercially or from the corporation. I was in a congregation years ago that was paid for and maintained by the locals, payed off mortgage. It was a comfortable hall, good shape and we had pride in it and enjoyed our work days at the hall. It was ours, we owned it. Some circuit Overseer said it didn't meet Corporation standards, we sold it to another church (they were very happy to get it and are still there) and built new.
I don't even know what I am trying to say except that in those older day we were better and I don't know how it all went from decisions being made locally and KH's owned by the people who paid for them to what it is today, million dollar KH's and multi-million dollar assembly halls all for the purpose of enriching the corporation. So that has been the purpose or goal of the corporation, becoming a real estate empire. Religion was and is just the tool the corporation is using to accomplish it, Was all this planned out from about the mid 1970's and did the men running the corporation knowing it would take years to accomplish?
I'm rambling, Good night.
Why the move to Warwick?
by optimisticskeptic ini've seen a lot of posts around and about warwick and the goings on there but was curious as to people's theories on why the move to warwick?
granted there's the obvious point about all of the money from the sale of properties in brooklyn but for as massive as warwick is, the purchase of an apartment complex there, multiple sites and buildings i would be surprised if they had much left from all of the profits.
so beyond a financial incentive why move?
Multibillion dollar corporation not accountable to making profit for shareholders or anyone else, tax free with minimal labor expense, run by people with no skin in the game, why not build a couple hundred million dollar complex for themselves. They're not done yet, on to the next project.
Why the move to Warwick?
by optimisticskeptic ini've seen a lot of posts around and about warwick and the goings on there but was curious as to people's theories on why the move to warwick?
granted there's the obvious point about all of the money from the sale of properties in brooklyn but for as massive as warwick is, the purchase of an apartment complex there, multiple sites and buildings i would be surprised if they had much left from all of the profits.
so beyond a financial incentive why move?
Corporation no longer needed millions of sq ft of open factory space, and they treat themselves like kings liking everything new, modern, and the best, expensive. To top it all off the money pours in mainly from their thousands of rental kingdom hall's and circuit halls and they can't spend it fast enough. To the corporation it's a big monopoly game and they are winning.