JoinedPosts by pontoon
Watchtower Strains Local Town Budgets
by pontoon inhttp://www.recordonline.com/article/20150307/news/150309486
Another way of seeing it-----Wat sends their FREE labor to do a community job. Big <>?":+_ deal. Then Wat get a Thank You for doing it with a mention in the weekly Shawagunk Valley News and the guys that did the work for NOTHING aren't mentioned. -
Watchtower Strains Local Town Budgets
by pontoon inhttp://www.recordonline.com/article/20150307/news/150309486
I would have to say the amount of community service Wat does not come close to the value of property and school tax they don't pay. And to add to that, other individuals, businesses, groups contribute to the community in various ways AND pay their taxes. That falls into the category of being a good neighbor. Wat spends money locally if it is the best way for them to accomplish their goals, not because they feel they should put money into the local economy. They do community work to stay on the "good" side of town officials because they constantly have to appear in front of and deal with these officials for variances, permits, inspections...... It's all about Watchtower, that's it. -
Watchtower Strains Local Town Budgets
by pontoon inhttp://www.recordonline.com/article/20150307/news/150309486
A "body of elders" or really one main guy?
by Simon inthe wts promotes the idea of congregations being managed by a body or elders who all follow their rules and so are in full agreement with how things should be done.. was your hall like this?.
out hall was a constant battlefield for power between a couple of elders and their families - relatives that had been promoted to various positions.
it wasn't some hidden secret, it was blatant and obvious.
Bodies I served on were dominated by either family---father, sons, son in laws so they all voted the same or one dominate brother from Wat farm that had his followers that would always make the majority. Once that dominate one makes their case that's the way it would go. -
What is the basis for authority for the governing body?
by Half banana ina word to jehovahs witnesses: what is the basis for the authority the seven members of the governing body can claim in controlling the lives of eight million followers?
the organisation they represent has never got one useful piece of information correct in one hundred and thirty five years... so why should they be believed?.
In a simple example; take any number of people, 5, 10, 15.... all hired at the same time for the same money to do the same job with the same status. One of those people is going to end up telling the others what and how to do it and the rest of the people will not only take that direction but they will start to look to that self appointed leader for direction. It's "Lord Of the Flies" and it is the way it goes. The JW GB thing is more complex but in a nutshell that's it. -
Even if everything about the "truth" was all true...........
by pontoon ini will say that one of the most distasteful teachings for me is the idea of praising, thanking, worshiping, god every day for all eternity.
what kind of ego needs that?
like if i ever saved a person's life i would say buy me a bottle of scotch and we'll call it even.
If it's all true........the earth and inhabitants are god's greatest creation, but it all barely amounts to a speck in the universe. So why is this creator of heaven and earth so hung up on being worshiped by the people on the speck? And is that it? Is earth, inhabitants, a speck among countless of galaxies his best work in thousands X thousands of years? God's all done? Move on to a new project and screw around with them for a couple thousand years -
Even if everything about the "truth" was all true...........
by pontoon ini will say that one of the most distasteful teachings for me is the idea of praising, thanking, worshiping, god every day for all eternity.
what kind of ego needs that?
like if i ever saved a person's life i would say buy me a bottle of scotch and we'll call it even.
What???? It's not that complicated. Just don't want to be thanking any god everyday of my life or for that matter every time I have I bit to eat for all eternity. Simple. -
Even if everything about the "truth" was all true...........
by pontoon ini will say that one of the most distasteful teachings for me is the idea of praising, thanking, worshiping, god every day for all eternity.
what kind of ego needs that?
like if i ever saved a person's life i would say buy me a bottle of scotch and we'll call it even.
I will say that one of the most distasteful teachings for me is the idea of praising, thanking, worshiping, god EVERY day for all eternity. What kind of ego needs that? Like if I ever saved a person's life I would say buy me a bottle of scotch and we'll call it even. Probably one of the beliefs that caused me to never buy in 100% as much as I tried at times. -
Midweek Meetings no longer Necessary
by Tech49 ini am sure we have all seen the recent letter to the boe concerning the change that will take place to the meeting arrangement during the week of the co visit.
to recap the basics: the meeting that usually contains the cong bible study (book study) and a co talk will be discontinued, publishers are encouraged to use their family worship night that week to cover book study material.. so here is a point that i think has been missed, or not even considered:.
if that particular meeting is hereby deleted from the schedule, the co and his wife will never ever have to participate in or go to another "book study", or "bible study" night again.
For those in a long time remember when the book study was called a rendezvous? That was the place we were suppose to rely on for safety, direction, and connection to the Org when the government cracked down on religion. -
Patterson vs Walkill vs Warwick
by Magnum ini understand that warwick is to be the new world headquarters of jws, patterson is an educational complex, and walkill is a literature production center.
will patterson continue to be used as it is now after the completion of warwick?
if not, what will happen to it?
So now everyone knows my spelling sucks. Thanks Billy and Blondie. Slaughterhouse is still there. Some vegetables, strawberries, blueberries all still grown there. Millions of dollars worth of late model John Deere tractors, farming, harvesting, trucks, trailers and equipment at WTF. Still quite a farming operation going on. One day this week I'll snap a couple pics from the road and post them.