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2016 Watchtower Cart Campaign Video!
by Atlantis in2016 watchtower cart campaign video... this video does not seem to be listed on jw.org, so it may not be available to rank and file jws.. .. organizational accomplishments-sail amsterdam.
.. between minutes 1:05--1:10 of this video, the watchtower plainly states that they are directing people to (jw.org) no mention of directing people to god's kingdom, or to god or even jesus christ.. .. between minutes 2:45--2:52 the statement is made that the demonstrations focus primarily on promoting (jw.org) again, no mention of god's kingdom or jesus christ.. .. it is pretty clear to see that (jw.org) has taken the drivers seat and god's kingdom and jesus christ have been placed in the back seat.. .. https://we.tl/eejg44rezq.
.. .. .. atlantis!.
Not nearly as extreme, the brother giving the talk seems to be copying Lett's style of speaking. -
Dan Sydlik
by done4good inmorning warship - he was the only restraint and i'm not saying that lightly.
i know there are a dozen others here who were in bethel back in the early 2000's who know what i'm talking about.
he actually kept me thinking this was jehovah's org because of his sincerity as if the holy spirit was operating in him.
I knew Gangas in Murray Hill also. Never married, absolutely believed it all, always testing the kids with a question like "let me ask you, what is the sacred secret?" Sparky 1, check your messages, maybe we knew each other. -
by sparky1 inif anyone here is considering going back to becoming one of jehovah's witnesses, than this testimonial may help you make your way back.
lots of gems contained in this book that will build your faith immensely :.
how to exorcize demons from your son, while he is having a drug flashback, after having encountered one of the 144,000.- pg.
I remember Gangas well. Always testing the kids in the congregation with a question like "let me ask you, what is the sacred secret?" Nice guy, you could tell he had no doubt he believe it all. Sparky, check your messages. -
lf the paradise earth is real would you want to live there?
by atomant inl know l would.anyone that says no is kidding themselves.just imagine going up to the hole of a cobra and patting it on the head like a pet.or running like a deer through the woods.who knows we might grows wings and be able to fly as well.food for thought.
If it meant thanking and worshiping and praising Jeh every day for all eternity for life I'll pass. I've said before on here if I ever saved someones life they could just say thanks, buy me a drink and we'll call it even. -
if you had the slightest of doubt about leaving leaving the watchtower org. go to to jwsurvey.org NOW!
by nowwhat? inand we are suposed to trust these guys with our lives?
Wow they're dumb. I see one on ebay for 41.99 or best offer. Could have saved a few bucks -
They're now asking people to clean at Bethel?
by onightdivine ini heard from a "friend" that a letter was read aloud during the midweek meeting asking people to volunteer to do cleaning work in bethel.
i really can't think of anything else to say if this is true.. they get more free labor, and they still ask for more more more money!!
Pandorasbox---absolutely true what you say. For bethel how about having the people who live there and shit the place up do the cleaning
Good news to report: Congregations merged because lack of attendance, publishers & field service
by Khaleesi inso it's official, i am happy to report that we merged with another congregation having the same problem.
why is it good news???
because people are either waking up, fading or just not buying into this organization any longer or walking away.... i think many young ones are just not buying into it as much, i see many in the congregation i go to very depressed and some i know personally going thru major depression especially the young "sisters" in their early 20s.... .
And if they rename the congregation that had to move by adding a north, south, east or west to the end of its name they'll count it as a new congregation -
CO's never say thank you for the green handshakes
by suavojr inever noticed how co's and ex-do's never say thank you for the hard earned money they get from the friends?
they truly believe they are entitled to live an easy life at the expense of others.
this makes my blood boil!
Never heard of one turning one down. When Lett was my CO I always green handshaked him. Later from this board I read he was flush with money (not earned, from family) I usually got a Thank You note from the CO's wife. A couple that used to be in my congregation and went missionary, we were friends, came back to Wat Farm for medical care, I slipped him a $100, they went back to their assignment and I never heard from them again. Have to realize 99% of them feel they are entitled. -
Bethel layoffs of oldies
by I am a Bible Student inis this true?
has anyone heard of it?
saw it on my facebook.. "jan. 6 bethel update 108 elderly bethelites getting the boot.. brooklyn, ny.
You won't be seeing much of any type of "blue collar work" going on at the Place On the Lake once it is all done. GB don't like being around working men/women. That's the reason you can't walk through the lobby at Wat farm in work clothes. Why they got rid of the hogs and chickens---too much "farm" smell. Can't eat in the dinning room unless dressed properly. Real wealthy guy I worked for where one of the GB hung out, his lawn service started mowing and he stopped them, load up and come back another time, GB shouldn't be subjected to the sound of a mower and leaf blower for ten minutes. I was there, I saw that. They are royalty (kings and priests) in their minds and the minds of the ones that adore them and need to be separate from lowly working class. -
My Bethel Experience Part 3
by new boy indon't get me wrong...........there was no one more self righteous, than me at 19. i moved to kansas at 18 to pioneer and even printed up cards that said............ .
"have sword, will travel"---------contact casarona salina kansas------ aaa which of course meant available after armageddon..
oh, i was full of myself!
I also new Hilmo. E Manhattan congregation split into two, (I was a kid) new congregation was Murray Hill. Fred was the first Overseer. Nice guy, ran into him off and on over the years upstate after he ended up at Wat Farm.