JoinedTopics Started by chiguy2010
Volunteering for RBC?
by chiguy2010 inanyone know how you to get a nice assingment with the rbc?.
Who really is the faithful and desceet slave?
by chiguy2010 inhello, i'm new to the group just getting my feet wet.. in recent articles i have read a lot about how the fds is taking the lead in teaching and in organizational matters.. who is the fds that is now taking the lead?
is it members of the gb, the service committee, the writing committee?
how do they decide on what is or is not a new understanding.
Watchtower Library
by chiguy2010 ini'm trying to put a library together for myself, if anyone has older literature they no longer want please let me know.. books published before 1970 would be especially helpful.. regards.