Those are some really weird hand and finger positions too...Some masonic or demonic meanings there I wonder...
JoinedPosts by JWStruggle
Watchtower Tenets and the Bed of Procrustes
by JWStruggle ini recently published an article on my blog about the mythical villian procrustes (pronounced: proh-kruhs-teez) and how he and the wt have something in common.
notice the assertion made regarding 1 corinthians 1:10 in this magazine quote:.
now if anyone comes into the congregation to try to upset adherence to that true word of god and causes stumbling or a division in the congregation, it is necessary to avoid that one.
I recently published an article on my blog about the mythical villian Procrustes (pronounced: proh-KRUHS-teez) and how he and the WT have something in common. Notice the assertion made regarding 1 Corinthians 1:10 in this magazine quote:
Now if anyone comes into the congregation to try to upset adherence to that true Word of God and causes stumbling or a division in the congregation, it is necessary to avoid that one. The best way to avoid him is to disfellowship that person, set him aside, get him out of the congregation. (WT 1952 3/1 p. 135 par. 11 Keeping the Organization Clean)
The rest of the article is on my blog, here:
As always, feedback is welcomed.
Is Job 1:4 regarding a birthday party
by jwfacts ini have heard it stated before that job 1:4 is referring to job celebrating his children's birthdays.
others have claimed this is not the case.
does anyone have a good explanation of what this scripture is referring to?.
What a lot of this means is that the jury is still out right? We don't really know one way or the other if Job is supporting birthdays or not...But notice how the WT ref said: "Did Job’s children observe birthdays? No, they did not."
Even though the scriptures here are ambiguous they have to dogmatically assert that he didn't when we don't really know for sure.
Jehovah's Witnesses and The Worldwide Church of God
by JWStruggle ini recently posted an article on my blog that tapped into a comment made to me by an awake witness about the worldwide church of god.
it discussed some questions that have been on a lot minds among the awake jws and ex-jws lately.
questions adressed are:.
The apology that was made seemed so sincere, but many did not want to change and make that a large a leap. I found a number of WCG websites when researching the topic that continue to defend H. Armstrong and his teachings, as so many do to this day with C.T. Russell.
Jehovah's Witnesses and The Worldwide Church of God
by JWStruggle ini recently posted an article on my blog that tapped into a comment made to me by an awake witness about the worldwide church of god.
it discussed some questions that have been on a lot minds among the awake jws and ex-jws lately.
questions adressed are:.
I recently posted an article on my blog that tapped into a comment made to me by an awake Witness about The Worldwide Church of God. It discussed some questions that have been on a lot minds among the awake JWs and Ex-JWs lately. Questions adressed are:
• Could reform come after some critical mass is reached, or when the leadership ages and younger ones take their place?
• Will the WTO ever make an apology such as the WCG did?
While the answers are likely in the negative, that by itself does not have to be the point. The fact that it HAS happened within a large movement in recent years does. Also, the parallels in teaching between the groups is quite revealing- I certainly didn't know that the two groups had so many doctrinal beliefs in common.
The link is below:
As always, your thoughts are appreciated.
Bethel Chicks who were HOT
by Black Man ini occasionally recollect over some of the female bethelites - especially the hot ones.
i was there in the 90s, when the commuter program was in full swing and sisters would sign up as commuters often to snage a full-time bethelite.
anyone remember the wiggins sisters?
This list could be very long...when I was there we always joked about the nerdy bethel boy that is gone for a few weeks and then comes back with a SUPER HOT bethel-bride that under ordinary circumstances would have never even looked at him twice. Sad but true! One of the only fringe benefits some of these poor guys got, especially the ones that worked in the home and never learned a trade working in the laundry.
Here's a joke my roomate told me within the first three days I was there:
Q: In the new system should you marry a spiritual sister, or a beautiful sister?
A: The beautiful sister of course, because in the new world they'll all be spiritual...but they won't all be pretty!
2011 Global Survey of Jehovah's Witnesses
by cedars inif you are visiting this site for the first time, or for the first time in a long while, i would appreciate if you could click on the following link and participate in the 2011 global survey of jehovah's witnesses.
both active jehovah's witnesses and former jehovah's witnesses around the world are invited to participate anonymously, and the results will be forwarded to the governing body and world's media..
this thread will be updated with the results of the survey (for the time being at least) should you be interested.. in its first 3 days, the survey collected close to 400 responses.
Why are we fighting among ourselves? I don't get it. WE ARE ON THE SAME SIDE- the one trying to help people wake up to the deceit of the WTO!
Aren't we being a little hard on Cedars here? Lady Lee you are not being kind- just negative and cynical IMO. But I doubt that these are your defining characteristics and I'm sure you have many good qualities, just as Cedars, and even Outlaw does.
Well maybe not Outlaw LOL...
Max Larson died today at 96 yrs...Watchtower President since 2000
by williamhconley inwatchtower society of new york president max larson died today at the age of 96.. served in bethel since 1938 (73 yrs at bethel) long before geoffrey jackson & anthony morris of the gb were even born..
The ones that occupy "corporate" positions have little real power. The legal department has power. The service department has quite a bit also. Writing has a little too. But the seven men at the top have the vast majority.
"Satan's Star" Re-examined
by JWStruggle ini put on my blog recently an article reviewing the evidence regarding whether the star of bethlehem was guided by god or satan.
as we are well aware, this is a "pet point" of the witnesses and assists the wt viewpoint with regard to christmas and all things "pagan".. .
@Joliette - What do you mean when you say "I think its all a bunch of hookus pookus"? Do you mean the comments, the Bible account, the article, etc?
Get your peanuts, popcorn, and WT CDs here! A crash course on file sharing
by RayPublisher insome have been talking about not having the latest version of the wt library.
(as of mid-2011) it is an actively traded torrent found here:.
Classic. LOL totally true. Download the publications, and read for yourself. Judge for yourself. There has been articles about people finding tracts in trash bins and becoming Witnesses, so why not this way?
"I learned the Truth from an Apostate Website!" by John Q Publisher