The most complete answer to the 'where else to go' question is written by Ray Franz in 'in search for christian freedom. Entirely in agreement with the bible.
The belief system that Jesus founded was existing out of loosely connected churches (or congregations if you like), and no centralized organization. So if you are looking for a 'true' religion as per the bible, it must be a hard to notice group. The churches mentioned in the bible were not uniform in their beliefs and their acts, however Jesus did not condemn them for this, neither did Paul. There is a framework that needs to be the same (Jesus as messiah, gave his life for us,...) others are optional. However both Jesus and Paul also showed the options have boundaries, such as sleeping with your fathers wife is not to be tolerated.
their most outstanding mark should be love amongst themselves and love for their fellowmen, NOT the preaching work. That's what the bible says. If you are looking for a group that is known for their preaching, automatically that won't be the right one. Neither Jesus, his disciples, apostles, or Paul went EVER from door to door. And if you have ever been to the middle east, you will immediately know why: it would make you look as if you are trying to hide something. If you want to attract an audience out there, you have to go to the market place or square, and start talking. If there are people interested they will invite you to their own house. If you take the emphatic diaglott (published by the Watchtower) you will find that in the original Greek text, there is no support for the Watchtowers way of preaching. So then using this way of preaching as your touchstone, you will never find the 'true religion'