Hi Spade, If your behind this article on that website, you make some very interesting statements to say the least, unfortunately not all that honest. Let me quote:
It's been my experience so far, that anything a person wants to find out about Jehovah’s Witnesses, they can find out from Jehovah’s Witnesses. Any and all information ever published by Jehovah Witnesses is accessible to all.
If that is true, then why does the WT Library CD-ROM does not contain the books & bound volumes from before 1950? Why are they not present in the KH libraries? Why is the Aid-to-bible-understanding not on the cd-rom, nor the organization book (which you only can obtain once you express your desire to become a publisher), nor the Shepherd-the-Flock book or the Pioneer book? Quite recently I was discouraged by a close family member from looking into older publications from the society, repeating the society's viewpoint. Why does the society discourage people from looking into their own history?
Good educators present all sides of an issue and encourage discussion
So where is your presentation from the non-JW side of the discussion? I am afraid you have called yourself a bad educator. Just as TD mentioned, Rutherford had quite a bad health, and therefore spent the winters in California.
I am a Witness for decades, as are my parents. Having gone to all the meetings in all these years, having spent many days in building Kingdom Halls & Bethel homes, having an elder as father and being an appointed man myself, has learned me very little about Jehovah's Witnesses throughout the years. I learned a lot more in the last few months doing research on the internet.