You moved the goalposts or made up an exception when your claim was shown to be false
No, that what Cofty claims. Please show me where I moved goalposts or where my claim was shown to be false.
How is that position different to 'its a mystery and I don't don't know whats going on here'?
It isn't; the only difference is in the words. I'm arguing that it's a valid position.
Belief (ie without evidence) in a higher power or god (very vague) but not able to account for its in/actions
How can any believer in a higher power understand and justify that power's actions? If they could it wouldn't be a higher power.
(again, no real clue about anything) That's a pretty soft position you argue for. sad
Guess what, we don't have all the answers! Why is ackowledging that sad? Personally I'm happy that there is so much more to be learned.