I did this:
JoinedPosts by TimeBandit
What did you do with your books?
by mamamo ini was in an used bookstore this weekend and saw a new world translation and some other society publications.
this made me think, what did others do with their books?
i gave mine to my mother, 22 years ago.
Dec.21st and the countdown to the Mayan Apocalypse
by designs indecember 21 marks the winter solstice and the end of a cycle called the 13th b'ak'tun.. 1.will we see a few who want to join the celestial parade ala those who wanted to hop on a comet a few years ago.. 2.should koolaid and vodka be banned dec. 20th.. 3.will the wt.
come out with an article making fun of those who 'falsely predict the end of the world' .
i'll take bets on #3.
I never put any stock in that Mayan apocalypse 12/21/12 crap. If the Mayans were so smart, why couldn't their society invent and use something as simple as the wheel?
Chris- -
We're on the eve of Destruction!
by PYRAMIDSCHEME init's all over tommorow!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exh7h9lk5hy .
I'm still here too...Looks like the world isn't rid of me. I never put any stock in the Mayan 2012 thing. After all, if they were so smart why couldn't they invent a wheel. Usung wheels takes real brains.
Golden Eagle tries to snatch a toddler
by mamochan13 inhttp://www.theprovince.com/technology/video+golden+eagle+tries+snatch+toddler+montreal+park/7717792/story.html.
quite an amazing video of an eagle who apparently wants to snack on a toddler.
(sorry, insert link won't work for me).
Shit! We need to ban Golden eagles...
One day dad tried to kill us all
by TimeBandit inthat's right, my dad tried to kill everyone in our house back in 1980. after the attempt was unsuccessful he pretended it was a boneheaded accident.
one day while we were living in houston we were all told to go take a nap in our bedrooms.
the next thing i remember was waking up and being told to go outside and sit in the yard.
Thanks for the input Heather. Well If you beleive it was an accident then you're entitled to that. If it truly was just a boneheaded mistake then he was the biggest freaking idiot on the planet that day...
One day dad tried to kill us all
by TimeBandit inthat's right, my dad tried to kill everyone in our house back in 1980. after the attempt was unsuccessful he pretended it was a boneheaded accident.
one day while we were living in houston we were all told to go take a nap in our bedrooms.
the next thing i remember was waking up and being told to go outside and sit in the yard.
I'm not particularly upset about this realization of what really happened. I am more shocked than anything else. Many of us have been through some really bad shit. On the whole I feel like I turned out mostly ok I guess. Just glad to be out of the cult and living a happier life now.
One day dad tried to kill us all
by TimeBandit inthat's right, my dad tried to kill everyone in our house back in 1980. after the attempt was unsuccessful he pretended it was a boneheaded accident.
one day while we were living in houston we were all told to go take a nap in our bedrooms.
the next thing i remember was waking up and being told to go outside and sit in the yard.
That's right, my dad tried to kill everyone in our house back in 1980. After the attempt was unsuccessful he pretended it was a boneheaded accident. I know better, and so does my brother.
One day while we were living in Houston we were all told to go take a nap in our bedrooms. The next thing I remember was waking up and being told to go outside and sit in the yard. I couldn't breathe and we were all coughing and dizzy and had bad headaches. Some of us passed out before we could get outside and my mom and aunt had to drag us outside.
Dad had started up the car in our garage (garage door was closed) and left it running...And left the door that goes from the house to the garage open. He tried to suffocate all of us with car exhaust.
After years of wondering what really happened I talked to my brother about the incident recently. Dad was not happy. His marriage was not good. He hated his job. I really believe he did it on purpose. I think it was an attempted murder/suicide.
Why else would he start up the car in a closed garage and let it run for half an hour with the door that goes into our house left open. It was a weekend day. Dad never went anywhere on the weekend. So why did he start the car on a warm sunny day with no plans to go anywhere? I'm convinced he attempted to kill us and then chickened out and made us all go outside.
All these years later I'm finally starting to realize what he tried to do and it makes me love him a lot less...
Chris -
Ransom paid. But still you gotta suffer!
by punkofnice inwith my recent rise to atheistic agnosticism(?
) i pondered this:.
if the death of jesus paid the ultimate price.....then why didn't it all end there and then and everyone got to heaven or walk into paradise with a panda?.
I don't think Jebus has suffered enough during his crusafiction. He needs to hop back on that cross and take it like a man. Shit, wasn't much of a sacrifice anyhow...He was only dead for three days. Mankind has been suffering way more than Jebus did since Jebus war ressurected.
A new life with my long lost brother...
by TimeBandit inas some of you may know, about two years ago my brother contacted me on fb.
i hadn't seen or heard from him in roughly 12 years before that.
things progressed well once he found out that i and the wife had left the jws.
Me too aunt heather!