My dear aunt,
FlyingHighNow pointed me to this forum during a time in my life when I was realizing the truth about Jehovah's Witnesses. I was in emotional turmoil. Before I started my path of discovery and realization, I had decided to shun her because of a reminder at the KH. I feel so damn ashamed of the way I treated her. But then, my life changed as I started to focus on my doubts and seek answers. Then, back in 2010 my older brother David died. I hadn't spoken to FHN for a long time, but felt that she deserved to know about her dead nephew. That tearful phone conversation led to regular contact with her. Now we're thick as theives. I asked her if there were any online support forums she knew about that might help me. She led me here. I'm so grateful that even in the face of my shunning she kept on loving me (she told me she would be there for me if I ever needed her) and forgave me so freely when I opened my eyes and saw just how wrong shunning is.
I have been helped greatly by reading and posting on this forum. I'm thankful to Simon for providing us with a place to learn, express our feelings, and try to recover from the cult. Thanks also to seasoned members and everyone else for your support and freindship. I feel like I got a lot of big brothers and sisters here to help me.
Chris Shepherd-