"Sorry were you saying something?"
If I weren't smiling right now I might've taken that the wrong way. Pretty funny.
i used to try really hard to fit in when i was an active, true blue jw.
somehow it hardly ever paid off.
time after time i attempted to mingle and make jw friends.
"Sorry were you saying something?"
If I weren't smiling right now I might've taken that the wrong way. Pretty funny.
i used to try really hard to fit in when i was an active, true blue jw.
somehow it hardly ever paid off.
time after time i attempted to mingle and make jw friends.
I used to try really hard to fit in when I was an active, true blue JW. Somehow it hardly ever paid off. Time after time I attempted to mingle and make JW friends. When I would invite brother so and so over to hang out and have dinner there was always an excuse as to why they couldn't. Or like after a convention session would let out and I would see my fave JW people sitting together at Chili's or wherever. I would sit with them and try to be a part of their conversation. I would start to say something and they would totally ignore me in mid sentence and start talking about something else like I wasn't even sitting there?
Things like that really hurt and helped me to see more clearly and was part of the final straw. Can anyone relate?
I wonder what NASA's astronauts think about the flat earth theory? Is the footage of earth from space all fake then? Why do NASA, and anyone else that spends billions of dollars every year developing and launching successful satellite missions believe the earth is flat?
I have a theory, it's called the flat brain theory...lol.
Azor, I didn't say I think you support the idea, and I get why you posted this. Just stating my take on it. And, I did support the motive of your thread by saying that I feel respect is earned, not given freely.
well, thats it folks.. my identity on here has been rumbled and reported to the elders.
someone, somehow, has figured out that im a member of this site and - rather than speak to me - has promptly reported me to the elders.
i just feel sad for my daughter.
I'm sympathetic, but it seems that part of this is your own fault for not being more careful. You knew what could happen if you were caught and didn't secure your laptop. I guess saying that doesn't help you much now, but still...
You know, I have looked into the 'Flat Earth' theory. It doesn't add up at all to me. C'mon, We're in the 21st century here right? Actually, it's laughable. The hollow earth theory seems much more plausible to me.
I find it hard to respect a belief as ridiculous as the flat earth theory. I respect them on the level that I respect circus clowns.
Do circus clowns deserve respect? What say you?
P.S. I feel that in most cases respect is earned, not given idly.
sometimes it's hard to know if our own experience of jws was typical and what features were peculiar to our own area or the individual jws we knew personally.
i was wondering if others experienced this among jws:.
a few times on the ministry, when we were working wealthy areas with large houses, some brothers and sisters would make the comment that they look forward to taking ownership of one of these big houses after armageddon, when the worldly people have vacated them.
My wife and I would say stuff like that in service sometimes. I've heard others say similar things as well.
well, thats it folks.. my identity on here has been rumbled and reported to the elders.
someone, somehow, has figured out that im a member of this site and - rather than speak to me - has promptly reported me to the elders.
i just feel sad for my daughter.
I made this sign for you. Print it out and stick it in your window...(kidding of course)
this is a short video i made a few years ago to be the intro for some future jw parodies i had thought about making.
i took a picture of russell and animated it and tamed him into being my new mascot.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ghiolgml-g .
This is a short video I made a few years ago to be the intro for some future JW parodies I had thought about making. I took a picture of Russell and animated it and tamed him into being my new mascot. What do you think?
in behalf of the horrific events of saturday night, i just wanted to take a moment to remind everyone that islam is a religion of peace.
it doesn’t matter that the quran explicitly says that homosexuals should be stoned to death (7:84) - it’s still a religion of peace.
and it doesn’t matter that the scriptures say that all gay men should be killed (sunan 1:152) - islam doesn’t in anyway condone violence.. it doesn’t matter that every mainstream imam calls homosexuality a sin "worse the adultery" - it’s not a religion of bigotry.. it doesn’t matter that 61% of muslims in the uk think gay acts should be made illegal - islam has nothing against the gay community.. it doesn’t matter that countries with sharia law actively persecute the lgbt community - islam is all about peace and love.
Islam is a bucket of piss for rats to drown in...It is certainly not a religion of peace in my opinion. Look at the news and see for yourself.