I wish they allowed Lucky Charms cereal. They're magically delicious...
what i'm looking for specifically is things that are "pagan" in the sense they predate christianity (or i guess judiasm to cover the ole mosaic code), that jw's allow or do.
the ones that come to mind are below.. rings - rings seem to originate in egypt.
for wedding ceremonies it became a symbol of "ownership" in rome.. pinatas - looks like possibly it originated in china as a part of the new year and a request for luck, and catholics later turned it into a beating of temptation type thing.. anything else?.
I wish they allowed Lucky Charms cereal. They're magically delicious...
hello forum.
i started this topic because i had been thinking recently about a story that i had heard many times in different congregations over the years.
kind of a jw urban legend if you will.
Did any of you ever hear the urban legend I spoke of in the OP? Just curious. Hearing supposed accounts like that one is what used to make me believe he'd intervene and help me like that.
i'm a middle aged man.
i dated a jw lady for 3 months ., we never had sex, just made out , half naked , well everything except underwear .
she has been a jw for 40 years ., was married to a jw but he committed adultery 13 years ago so they divorced .
My advice to you is to forget about her and move on. Dating a JW will tie you to a dangerous cult. She's not worth it. There are much better fish in the sea. Not trying to be mean...
hello forum.
i started this topic because i had been thinking recently about a story that i had heard many times in different congregations over the years.
kind of a jw urban legend if you will.
@ Anders Andersen : LOL.
hello forum.
i started this topic because i had been thinking recently about a story that i had heard many times in different congregations over the years.
kind of a jw urban legend if you will.
Hello forum. I started this topic because I had been thinking recently about a story that I had heard many times in different congregations over the years.
Kind of a JW urban legend if you will. There is a myth about these JWs that were in service in a rural setting. They were walking up to a house when they saw a vicious dog running at them and they were sure that it was going to tear them to pieces. One of the JWs said a quick prayer begging Jehovah for protection. Before the dog reached them, at the last minute, the dog veered off and attacked a cow instead.
Did you ever hear a story like that?
I bring up that JW urban legend because I had a similar experience. The thing is, mine had a totally different outcome. No, I wasn't attacked by a dog in service. This is what happened to me, my wife, and two 'good' friends.
We were on our way home from a summer assembly about six years ago. All the way home I had been reflecting on the assembly. I had real joy in my heart. About half way home, I was in the midst of a heartfelt prayer to Jehovah. I was thanking him with a big smile on my face and blubbering all kinds of gooey sentiments thanking him for the wonderful assembly. I was the only one in the car that was awake, they were napping.
We were on the Santa Fe relief route that goes around the city instead of through it. Suddenly I noticed out of the corner of my eye a car about to t-bone us. Everything was slow motion from that moment on. For real, that's what it seemed like. In that instant I knew there was nothing I could do to avoid being hit. CRACK! The impact sent us airborne and we flipped in the air THREE times and took out a metal street light post before landing.
Can you imagine spinning in the air like that? Through the g forces and chaos I could see the total horror on my wife's face. And there was nothing I could do but watch. I thought we were goners. Boom! We landed into the pole and rolled down an embankment. We've never been so scared.
Somehow we all made it out alive, but It wasn't Jehovah that had saved us. It was the steel reinforcement in the doors and the air bags. I realized that.
After recovering from the shock, I began to wonder why Jehovah didn't help us. Why hadn't he intervened? We had just spent money we didn't have at a summer assembly to worship HIM. We had been faithful. I was actually PRAYING to Jehovah when the accident occurred. From then on I never felt the same about god.
That experience was one of the many things that led to my wife and I turning in our letters of disassociation some months later.
P.S. I do not consider surviving the accident to have been Jehovah's help. Like I said, it was the engineers of the vehicle who saved us....
hey y'all.
i just wanted to officially make my debut on https://www.jehovahs-witness.com and introduce myself.
i'm an old jwrer, and it looks like i'll be dropping in on here now for cult updates and friendly conversation.. a little about myself:.
Right here: Ri'cheer, That way: Thattaway, There's a couple more.
this video is hilarious, had to share - skip to 12:20 .
I think the entire video was terrific. He is very well spoken and I can tell that he has spent a lot of time doing his research. Yeah, the bunker thing was funny, but I enjoyed his thoughtful and kind presentation more.
hey y'all.
i just wanted to officially make my debut on https://www.jehovahs-witness.com and introduce myself.
i'm an old jwrer, and it looks like i'll be dropping in on here now for cult updates and friendly conversation.. a little about myself:.
Hey barbie, I'm from the south. Lived all over it. My southern accent is almost gone, but not completely...People still comment on it though so I guess it's still audible. I notice though that when I get emotional my accent gets really pronounced. Also, If I happen to be talking to someone else with a good southern accent then mine sort of wakes up and before I know it I sound like they do. Does that happen to you?
You ought to know they don't.
this is a short video i made a few years ago to be the intro for some future jw parodies i had thought about making.
i took a picture of russell and animated it and tamed him into being my new mascot.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ghiolgml-g .
Cool ideas sparky. I made these a few years ago and then life kept me from doing anything further. I hope to get back into it sometime soon.