Clarification time.
Does waiting on Jehovah mean doing nothing to better one's circumstances? The Society has said no. Jehovah blesses actions. The Society views legal actions in that light. We are taking action to better a situation. If jehovah so decides, we will win. (Note I said Society views not "I" view)
While we may view it as hypocritical, the Society has very carefully constructed scriptural principles to fall back on..i.e the earth opening up swallowing up those persecuting God's people= earthly governments swallowing up those who persecute jw's. Revelations
I do think that it would be hypocritical on OUR part to only insist that JW's should not have access to legal recourse. Personally I'd love to see all religions stripped of their status. Encourage individual spirituality but organized religion in all its forms should be removed.
People can be restrained, even instutionalized, if they are found to be a danger to themselves or others. This woman in Japan was manifestly a danger to herself, and to any one else she could control. As such the pastor was right.
Who the hell is this pastor to make that kind of decision. In order for anyoen to be restrained or institutionalized it requires the EXPERT opinion of medical professionals not the angst of some other hypocritical religious leader. It was kidnapping and forceable confinement regardless of any spin anyone wants to put on it.
I agree there is a double standard that exists within the org. But I think at times ex-jw's also hold a double standard, on for the WTBS and another for all other religions. I think all should be held equally accountable.
So for general discussion should the Society:
A) not use the courts in any fashion to defend the rights of their adherents?
B) fight for the same rights accorded to other religious groups?
C) Use the courts only when life threatening issues arise?
d) other, please explain.
Kismet - trying to maintain a balanced perspective.