Ladies presume too much upon me.
I know not all the products available, it was just simply that MDS SOUNDS like such a product. I am not fluent in the brand names.
I can live without such knowledge. :)
for those of you who have been pondering the meaning of mds's prophecies, i feel i have finally deduced the answer.. mds has become a catholic, and he is planning to usurp the position of pope in the fall of 2001. .
the pope is old, and rumors have it that his health is not all that great.
the number of catholics is somewhere around 200 million (isn't that the number of the gentiles mds has spoken about so frequently?).
Ladies presume too much upon me.
I know not all the products available, it was just simply that MDS SOUNDS like such a product. I am not fluent in the brand names.
I can live without such knowledge. :)
for those of you who have been pondering the meaning of mds's prophecies, i feel i have finally deduced the answer.. mds has become a catholic, and he is planning to usurp the position of pope in the fall of 2001. .
the pope is old, and rumors have it that his health is not all that great.
the number of catholics is somewhere around 200 million (isn't that the number of the gentiles mds has spoken about so frequently?).
Pope Pious MDS ... hmm or should that be Pope self righteously pious MDS...
You could be right RWH, but ever since his arrival here I always thought his name sound more like a STD or a feminine protection product rather than a new saviour... but hey that's just one man's opinion...
so does anybody ever talk gamein' around here!?.
playstation games are way cool!
ssx--fifa--smugglers run.
My little brother got a PS2 for Christmas this year. We wasted many an afternoon/evening/morning playing on it. We played Madden 2000 NFL
The graphics were amazing. Facial expressions, teh commentators and player options really impressed me. I will be getting him the NHL game for his Birthday for me to ...ummm for him to play with..
so does anybody ever talk gamein' around here!?.
playstation games are way cool!
ssx--fifa--smugglers run.
My little brother got a PS2 for Christmas this year. We wasted many an afternoon/evening/morning playing on it. We played Madden 2000 NFL
The graphics were amazing. Facial expressions, teh commentators and player options really impressed me. I will be getting him the NHL game for his Birthday for me to ...ummm for him to play with..
should a true christian drink a cappucino?.
perhaps you have never considered the matter, but what are the origins of this popular beverage?.
the name cappucino is derived from the word to describe the bones of 4,000 capuchin friars in rome, italy.
[Any substance which produces a reaction, is technically a drug. ]
hmmm so women are drugs eh??? Oh may I never be cured from my addiction!!!! [8>]
while on the topic of stimulants.....
in view of the recent announcement and subsequent discussion regarding the fate of h20 i am looking at buying the domain and all the archives of h20 from rick.. i believe i can get it hosted at a local asp with which i have a great relationship.
this is where i need your creative genius.
i believe we could generate greater revenue from banners that are geared to the audience (kickboxing 101 lessons might be useful but ...).
You of all people should know the risks associated with trying to speculate on people's identities.
I can understand where you might have gotten the impression I was FD2. (Thanks for the compliment BTW) I know Rick is considering FD2's offer but I wanted to make one myself so he had several options)
Should you desire to inquire further as to my identity, I would suggest you contact me by email. You have a personal one from your mailing list as well as the mod101 address.
I would look forward to discussing the future of H20 with you should Rick ever get back to me.
in view of the recent announcement and subsequent discussion regarding the fate of h20 i am looking at buying the domain and all the archives of h20 from rick.. i believe i can get it hosted at a local asp with which i have a great relationship.
this is where i need your creative genius.
i believe we could generate greater revenue from banners that are geared to the audience (kickboxing 101 lessons might be useful but ...).
I am still waiting to hear from Rick to see if he will even agree to this suggestion.
In the meanwhile, THANK YOU all for your comments of support and your ofers. It is appreciated.
As I learn more I will keep you advised.
Thanks again.
in view of the recent announcement and subsequent discussion regarding the fate of h20 i am looking at buying the domain and all the archives of h20 from rick.. i believe i can get it hosted at a local asp with which i have a great relationship.
this is where i need your creative genius.
i believe we could generate greater revenue from banners that are geared to the audience (kickboxing 101 lessons might be useful but ...).
In view of the recent announcement and subsequent discussion regarding the fate of H20 I am looking at buying the domain and all the archives of H20 from Rick.
I believe I can get it hosted at a local ASP with which I have a great relationship. This is where I need your creative genius. I believe we could generate greater revenue from banners that are geared to the audience (kickboxing 101 lessons might be useful but ...). The Anon banner there just doesn't cut it.
Two audience centric banners could cover most of the monthly costs. The other possibility is to register it as a charity/ not for profit company, thus those who use the site could make donations and get tax least those from the US and Canada.
Now I personally do NOT have the technical expertise to run the site as it is now set up, scripts etc... Considering the volume of H20 what discussion softwarre is the best out there. If I was to get Rick to agree to this, would any of you be in a position to assist on the technical side of things? Do you know anyone that would?
For close to 5 years, H20 has been the foremost site for intellectual debate on matters relating to JW's and their doctrines and history. It is a unique place that should IMO keep going. It is also the primary online concern of the WTBS (along with Kent's site). I am perturbed to think of the glee going on in Brooklyn over this possibility of H20's closing.
In the meantime if we can transfer it to my ASP, I will cover the costs of keeping H20 going until we get it organised to a point where it becomes self sufficient.
The scariest part of this for me is that I would have to put my name or at least a company name (with my real name as the proprietor) out on the web.Thus Kismet will be known by all to be a disgusting vile evil apostate and all the repurcussions that go along with that. Unless ofc ourse someone else doesn't mind adding their name...
I am rambling now but again I am interested in your thoughts, ideas etc.
Kismet/ [email protected]
anyone got any thing out of 'empty' in the chat room recently.
i was there for hours and nothing!.
I believe "empty" is Logical.
Hope that helps.
thanks to my friends here for your encouragement during the past week.. people will forget what you said.
people will forget what you did.
but they'll never forget how you made them feel-this one's for you.. *.
Without trying to copy Waiting ...too much is are some appropriate quotes...
"Praise is well
compliments are well,
but affection ...-
that is the last most precious reward that any man can win, whether by character or achievement." Mark Twain
Friendship is the allay of our sorrows, the ease of our passions,the discharge of our oppressions, the sanctuary to our calamities, the counsellors of our doubts, the clarity of our minds, the emission of our thoughts, the excercise and improvement of what we dedicate. Jeremy Taylor
Men in genereal are too material and do not make enough human contacts. If we search for the fundamentals which actually motivate us we will find that they come under the headings: love, money, adventure and spirituality. It is to some of them that we always owe that big urge which pushes us onwards. Men who crush these impulses and settle down to everyday routine are bound to sink into mediocrity. No man is a complete unit of himself; he needs the contact, the stimulus and the driving power which is generated by his contact with other men, their ideas, their constantly changing scenes and their friendship. - Edward Jordan
Your friends obviously care and you have shown yourself to be a friend in return.
Well done.