Currently in Toronto Ontario Canada but also was in Quebec for a while. Prior to that was in Minnesota and Massachusetts but am originally from Toronto.
JoinedPosts by Kismet
Independence Day and African Americans
by jimmyjames ina black friend of mine will not celebrate the 4th of july.
he feels it's a mockery since black people were still slaves when the country gained its independence.. i wanted to hear what other people think of that.
that's the first person i've ever heard mention it, but i never thought about that.
It is good your friend now has the freedom to make that stand. Isn't that more important than if I agree with his stance or not.
The freedoms entrenched by the Declaration of Independence/Bill of Rights are more than reason to celebrate today, regardless of what particular individual politicians were doing at that time.
Kismet - a part time American
Have a great Canada Day!
by ozziepost ing'day you guys from canada, (alright to call you canucks?).
i see from my international style diary that you're having a holiday today.
so here in the far flung parts of the southern climes, we'd like to wish all our canadian fellow posters all the best for today.
Yep you read it right...and thank you!! It was a great one!!
It was my first birthday I have ever celebrated with my father.. Very cool!!
Have a great Canada Day!
by ozziepost ing'day you guys from canada, (alright to call you canucks?).
i see from my international style diary that you're having a holiday today.
so here in the far flung parts of the southern climes, we'd like to wish all our canadian fellow posters all the best for today.
"my name is John ... and I... am ... CANADIAN!!!! (spin off from a beer commercial)
Yep it was a great day of relaxing, raising a pint or two to my country got off a rendition or two of "Oh Canada" lit of some fireworks.
Canadians are a funny breed, but July 1 is the one day when it is okay to be patriotic...otherwise is is an understated patriotism the rest of the year...after all we don't want to offend other countries. smirk ... typical Canadian mentality...
Well we celebrated Canada's brthday yesterday, I am celebrating mine today, and will be celebrating the US' on Wednesday ...what a great week!!
Kismet - A displaced Canadian celebrating all these events in Boston.
Complement a Poster
by Black Man inhere's your chance to complement a poster whose posts make you think, make you mad, make you laugh, make you cry.
i usually find something that i dig in everybody's post around these parts.
but i'll single out some peeps in particular.
I think all that post here contribute something. there are some however that I will seek out or if I see their names will always read their comments.
COMF - Captain my captain. Don't see enough of you anymore. I admire you past personal battles and admire his wit and talents.
Farkel - a unique man. His passion and concern for others never fails to impress me. He has a good heart!!! Likes to pretend he is a mean ole pit bull but we all know differently.
Ros - appreciate her having a strong belief without ever shoving it down your throat. She has helped many over the years in her efforts.
SevenofNine - oh my god!!! what can I say.... extremely intelligent, tender hearted, funny, giving almost to a fault, ya can't help but love her.
PathofThorns - I feel old saying this but.. a very smart personable young man. another one with a heart larger than most!! I can see why you had to leave the was stifling you!!
Waiting - A wise wise empress if I ever saw one. I personally love the quotes!!
Roaming Feline - my bud. Tongue like a rapier when needed but also always there to help treat any wounds of others.
RedHorseLady - always appreciate a woman with her own mounting block, great wit and always has good insights
Ginny - speaking of great insights and smarts!!! a very well respected person in my books!!
Gopher - a long lost friend back in my life. A kind hearted soul
Friend - I miss him.
Tina - We have sparred on occasion - respect is always there for her tho!
JT - my man!!!!!! Big House alummni gota stick together. Love your posts!!
Prisca - I admire her desire for peace and respectful dialogue.
Mommy, Venice, PLH, -- all very forgiving and put up with me
Amazing & Seeker - always there with much wisdom and insights.
You Know & Fred - even the homer simpsons of the world have to be appreciated.
Jan H - a well read man. The scientist amongst us.
AlanF - all round nice, smart guy ... despite what his t-shirt says!
Lest we not forget our Canadian contingent - Moxy Expatbrit's HadEnough (Happy Canada Day!!!!!)
I guess I better stop now. this list is getting too long.
My last word tho is to Simon. Thank you my friend. Thank you.
Kismet - "can you feel the love in the room tonight or what?!?!?" :)
photo of 'the Princess'
by Mulan inthe regulars here may remember that my daughter starting posting here last week, under the name princess.
in chat, people have asked if she is pretty, and i say she is.
she also looks just like me, but thinner, and prettier.
Hey Venice....
becareful with the BWahahahahaha stuff ..someone here thinks she has it copyighted or something... smirk ...
oh this brought it back to the top...silly me. LOL
photo of 'the Princess'
by Mulan inthe regulars here may remember that my daughter starting posting here last week, under the name princess.
in chat, people have asked if she is pretty, and i say she is.
she also looks just like me, but thinner, and prettier.
Kismet boost your total number of posts just keep bringing up these pics to the top of the board. You'll make a friend with Venice and get more posts.. :)
photo of 'the Princess'
by Mulan inthe regulars here may remember that my daughter starting posting here last week, under the name princess.
in chat, people have asked if she is pretty, and i say she is.
she also looks just like me, but thinner, and prettier.
I am not sure how this thread got down here but you sure did an excellent job on these :
Kismet - who believes turnabout is only fair!!
I refuses to be just an Ex...
by paradix ini stopped my activities today and started to ask myself: what now?.
could the life be this, to be an ex something, ex jw, ex preacher.?.
i think the big part of people who left the wts has arrived there in firs time looking for something more.. the big questions to be answered.
My goal is to become and ex ex-JW. As long as I participate in these baords and dwell on that what I cannot change I am still letting the Borg affect me.
My problem is that I have come to really care for many of the people I have gotten to know at these boards and do not want to lose touch with them or drop them and their struggles to free themselves of the Borg either.
But now my participation is more about the comraderie found here than it is about finding answers or dealing with angst. I am here for the people!
damn it ... I love y'all!!!
Subtle Propaganda at DC -but Noticeable To Us
by Had Enough inas ive mentioned in other posts, i felt obligated to go to the dc (in hamilton) this weekend to help my family with my aging mom, who in my opinion just goes for the social outing because she is physically not able to stay awake for more that 1/5 th of the whole sessions except intermissions.. i know others have posted their observations of the dc they attended but id like to make an addition from things that just jumped right out at me and made me go argggghhhhh!.
and btw....i felt some of the comments made seemed to be as though they were answering their justification of some of the things being brought out on the internet, including here.. on friday, even in talks that were not about higher education, they managed to slip in their subtle propaganda, as in:.
- bob alton, said peter and john were outspoken about gods word and were unlettered and ordinary men they didnt need higher education to speak wondrous things of god.
Thanks for your observations HadEnough. I can't say I am sorry I will be missing it this year.. shudder.
Hackaw..How do you know Zenon. Interesting sort he is. I knew him well during his single days at bethel but once he got hitched he became mr loner.
A wee bit on the arrogant side.
Also HadEnough mentioned David Walker. Interesting dude. his wife died and he married one of the young nurses at bethel, marina...about half his age and he is close to 70 something now. You were bang on about his teeth BTW! :)
ahhh memories.