Thanks for the thread Black Man and welcome. I really cracked up at your "Jungle Fever" post and i've been enjoying the others.
I'll also have to chime in and say JT is a favourite. Very real and interesting comments, especially those relating to Bethel stories.
Along with the Bethel crowd, I'll have to thank Maximus' threads as of late which have been extremely facinating. Kismet's insights as well and his keeping comments honest and factual without exageration have also been appreciated.
Friend (wherever and however he is) along with Marvin Shilmer's comments re: blood have been extremely informative and well presented.
Frenchy: a reasonable man with a heart, great writer. Hope you are well.
Kristen, a special friend who helped me through. Thanks.
Although I don't care for her quotes, Waiting is none the less a great person and I consider her a good friend. She is also the woman to whom the board owes much of it's success to. Thank you.
RHW, thank you for your comments on board and your support off-board.
Ah Hah and Puppylove, both a bigger help than I realized at the time. Hope you both are well. Thank you.
Who would have thought Seven the "thread killer" could have endless ongoing threads on the same subject? Watching you do what had to be done and seeing from where you started to where you are now and for pushing me along the way, I thank you.
I've enjoyed JanH's arguments and I can say in more than one instance I've found myself re-evaluating things I never thought I would have. Enjoyed the Capital Punishment arguments.
Farkel's arguments have been great. Tirelessly going over the same things over and over again for the sake of the "newly doubting".
The perspective of someone living in Japan, the Society's former "jewel" have been enjoyed as told by JWD. Thank you.
The easy going "pub regular" Englishman's comments have been enjoyed.
Lisa Haynes strong comments since the Witnet days have been facinating. Good luck on the new baby.
Moxy and Expatbrit's comments with typical Canadian sensibility have been appreciated.
Amazing's comments, especially the "justice series" have been insightful as to what goes on behind the scenes and what goes on in the minds of the men who have to make the decisions they make.
Norm's posts along with his sarchasm have been helpful right from the beginning of my "online experience".
Joelbear's perspective and calm and peaceful manner in his posts are a breath of fresh air during turbulent discussions.
I also thank Simon for the hours devoted to this place and the personality and philosophy behind it. Thank you.
Ultimately everyone is owed a thank you for making this place what it is. It is a special place where, while we might have our disagreements and arguments, ultimately there is generally an atmosphere of respect and tolerance and the understanding that comes with a unique, uncommon past experience.