One of the conclusions I came to during the course of my WTexit was that - like “perfection” - “normal” is subjective.
since covid, our lives have all been affected.
do you think people will ever get back to normal, pre-covid?
are masks, vaccinations and social distancing the “new normal “?.
One of the conclusions I came to during the course of my WTexit was that - like “perfection” - “normal” is subjective.
my wife has been off the rails lately.
she is not really a loving mom or wife.
she is upset that me and the boys don't believe the same crap as her.
The biggest doubters are often the staunchest holdouts.
It’s an instinctive fear-based response.
let me follow the trial.
in 1931 rutherford started jehovah's witnesses.
be before that.. bible student and they merged before 1917 with russelites and they merge with adventists, and then miller in 1844.before that be disperse into baptist and other denominations.
It’s breakaways all the way down. 😊
i was just reading how a guy on the net was saying he was attracted to some black women like halle berry but serena or gayle king not at all.
he was expressing his opinion.
anyway, he quickly got fired and he profusely apologized for what he said and has asked for help from the naacp and the mayor’s office to learn to do better.
I’m afraid I won’t be politically incorrect enough.
here is a memorial-worthy least in my books.
got any other suggestions?.
“All Along the Watchtower”
”Sympathy for The Devil”
”Highway to Hell”
jehovah's witnesses in belgium have to pay €12k fine for shunning policy.
you have probably heard of the trial going on in belgium about the shunning policy of jws.
Yomama - “...If they win everyone will no about the details of the barbaric rule to shun...”
They’d easily find this the most desirable outcome...
..,in no small part because at this point, they no longer give a hairy blue fuck what The World thinks of them.
someone is researching jehovah’s witnesses.
they happen to come on to this site.
do the witnesses have the truth??.
Mental gymnastics, out-of-context quoting, semantic pretzel-twisting... all from the sleazy lawyer's go-to grab-bag of shady, shitty courtroom tactics.
Once again, for the newbies, lurkers, and trolls...
...if you have to cheat to defend your beliefs, your beliefs don't deserve to be defended.
Fun fact, BTW... realizing that creationists (including the WTS) also routinely dip into sad grab-bag essentially gave me all the permission I needed to learn about evolution from authentic, unbiased sources.
Guess how that went?
most of the witnesses i knew never really talked about sex.
whatever couples did was pretty much kept quiet.
every once in a while a wife might complain to the elders or a friend that the husband is too demanding or even immoral because of the sex practices the husband wanted.
All this is kind of academic, though.
The actual historical reasons that the sexual uptightness of religious conservatives with European ancestry (the WTS's ideological forebears) got so entrenched are because...
a) ...constant indiscriminate boning naturally created a constant influx of illegitimate children, which, in turn, created constant lineage- and inheritance-related headaches, and...
b) ...syphilis had actually become a major problem (think the AIDS pandemic in the 80s, but lasting centuries because Medieval medicine).
Don't believe me? Look it up.
Entire fashion trends were designed around concealing signs of past or present infection.
obviously at some point you stopped believing the witnesses had the truth or else you wouldn’t be here.
but for the most part, were you a true believer or were you typically a rebel or a doubter?
minimus - "When you were a Witness did you believe everything taught?"
Tried to.
More like "accepted", though.
But even that got harder and harder as time went on.
[9-15-95 wt- ‘the golden calf’ and the people said: “all that jehovah has spoken we are willing to do and be obedient.”—exodus 24:7. nevertheless, the israelites soon sinned against god.
they were still encamped at the foot of mount sinai.
moses had been on the mountain many days, receiving further instruction from god, and the people pressured moses’ brother, aaron, to make a god for them.
truth_b_known - "What most do not realize from this story is it's true purpose - to insult the former Israelite god El in favor of the new Israelite god, YHWY. El was represented as a bull. Making the idol of El a calf was done to insult El..."
Woah, okay, this is new.