Technically, Jackson disassociated himself.
Posts by Vidiot
What’s Your Favorite Type of Music/Songs/Singers???
by minimus ini love r&b music, funk and soul, even some disco.
i’ve been listening to retro soul radio out of london lately and the music is without commercial interruptions 24 hours a day.
mostly 70s and 80s music.. i love everything from elvis presley to tom jones too.
What's New with Watchtower's Bethelites?
by Never-A-Bethelite ini know there were prior kicking out of watchtower's bethelites by the higher ups under the guise of down sizing.
now with the covid-19 thing, are these guys going to be kicked to the curb again?.
for everyone who will fill me in, thank you in advance..
Jeezus, being in Bethel during Covid lockdown sounds like hell on earth.
Jw spokesman Says door to door preaching not coming back!
by nowwhat? in
hope link works.
hybridous - "...I think leadership would be wary of trying to rally troops that it doesn't have a lot of confidence in."
That's based on the assumption that the leadership actually makes reasoned, well-thought-out decisions.
The Wwatchtower turning into a real laughing Stock
by Overrated inover the years watchtower has turned into a real joke in the world scene.
with the lawsuits, downsizing and decreasing numbers.
what they use to be is gone and they will never recover the numbers they once had.
Hey, you know what that reminds me of?
The way the American Christian Right started trying to set up their own cultural alternatives to the movie, TV, and music industries back in the day.
The Wwatchtower turning into a real laughing Stock
by Overrated inover the years watchtower has turned into a real joke in the world scene.
with the lawsuits, downsizing and decreasing numbers.
what they use to be is gone and they will never recover the numbers they once had.
@ Pontoon...
Now we know where the $3B they got from the Brooklyn real estate sales is going.
Ten bucks says they sell it within a decade, though.
Why did Paul call Jesus, “the firstborn from the dead”?
by Doug Mason in"jesus christ was resurrected on nisan 16, 33 c.e., the day when the jewish high priest offered up the firstfruits of the barley harvest.
this fits in accurately with jesus' being the "firstfruits" in the resurrection of the human dead.
(1 cor.
“Firstborn of the Dead”...
... sounds like the title of a cheesy low-budget 80s horror movie.
Social Trends - Male underwear as hot fashion
by fulltimestudent induring australia's lockdowns and other reactions to the batty virus.
i've been spending more time studying my history interests via the internet and its many possibilities.
one area is quite interesting.
My wife likes the way I look in boxer-briefs.
JW Broadcast needs to take a leaf out of the Anglican playbook
by Diogenesister inhere the arch bishop of canterbury's dean shows jw broadcast how it's done.....or rather his cat does!
no hate speech, no lying, no over-done, fake news caster-y backdrop.and most of all no genocidal threats!.
just a garden, a nice cup of tea and cats!.
Well, the Org’s been cribbing from Scientology’s playbook recently...
...why stop there?
Mormon Apologetic Article - JW comparisons etc
by dozy in
from an ex-jw perspective , i was quite interested in the above article , which the spectator ( presumably ) felt obligated for legal reasons to publish to allow a response to a rather unfavourable article below..
the arguments are fairly rehearsed and often used by jw "spokesmen".
I have long thought of the LDS as the WTS’s nicer but weirder older cousin.
Whatever Happened To The Flu?
by minimus inhas the flu vanished?
has it been replaced by covid?
no one is talking about making sure you get you flu shots.
minimus - "Wiz, You are going to give some people conniptions."
Let's just hope he brought enough to share.