minimus - "What will happen if you do NOT get the Covid vaccinations?"
"Re-Neducation", of course.
we are encouraged to all, if possible, get the vaccinations.
if you don’t, we are told that we definitely could get the virus.
fair enough.. but what happens if you decide you aren’t going to get the shots?
minimus - "What will happen if you do NOT get the Covid vaccinations?"
"Re-Neducation", of course.
good to see you again!
much discussion now about the fallout that is coming due to impacts of the pandemic combined with the long-term downward spiral of
i am active as a pimo and my wife is pimi....much of our personal conversation and conversation with others in jw land focuses on how things will play out for in the next 12-24 months.
Historically, actual tangible in-person meetings and door-to-door ministry have been critical in maintaining organizational cohesion and discipline... least amongst average rank-and-filers.
Transitioning to an "e-church", however, can't help but undercut that somewhat for them...
...but I think the loyalists would still toe the line.
And since I suspect the Org leadership privately wants to prune the membership down to just the loyalists, this would theoretically serve that agenda.
Rocketman123 - "...a bunch little idiots following bigger idiots..."
I think Ray Franz once quoted a peer as saying that they were "followers following followers".
no clue how i got this..
top ten reasons.
(why) jehovah's witnesses can't cope with the real world____________________.
The WT leadership wouldn't have a prayer if they tried coping with the "real world".
Why would rank-and-file loyalists be any different?
remember when nixon resigned?
the big a was here some said.
remember 1986 and the "international year of peace and security?
Wasandelder Once - "Was your faith in Armageddon connected to current events?"
To a degree.
Current events not following Fred Franz's eschatology would occasionally give me pause, however.
And they added up over time.
My old mom is still in, so yeah.
They all know my family and I are inactive, but most everybody's polite.
police raid a kingdom hall in norway of jehovah's witnesses and question elders.jehovah's witnesses want to cooperate with the police and explain why they have an arc of alleged crimes.
they claim that their elders are priests and must maintain confidentiality ... however ... the watchtower headquarters does not ask elders to refer to themselves as priests, that would be a disfellowshipping offense.
and they do not ask their elders to maintain confidentiality ... they must give the information to high ranking officials within the watchtower hierarchy.
Even though I realize why the Org tried so hard to keep its pedo problem on the down-low...
...I still occasionally catch myself asking "HTF did they not think this would ever come back to bite them on the ass???"
we all had some to deal with some.
you would ask yourself, “how the hell did this guy ever get to be an elder”???.
we had one elder originally from england that used to wear his pants belted up to his chest with typically a dirty spotted tie and shirt.
In a weird religion full of weirdos, the weirdest can't help but float to the top.
once again, watchtower doesn't want to respect our human rights.
"...non-profit religious organizations that are not doing any type of commercial activity..."
Ironic, considering just how much profit the Org generates for itself from flipping KHs.
i'm doing a little background research for a novel.
what is the craziest thing you heard a witness say was demonized, and what did they do about it?.
I almost forgot...
...this little guy: