It's just Disney and Marvel taking their relationship to the next level...
..."Alice in Wakandaland".
i wonder if anyone can explain this.
ezekiel 34:25 says .
and i will make a covenant of peace with them, and i will rid the land of vicious wild beasts, so that they may dwell securely in the wilderness and sleep in the forests.. the land is said to be rid of vicious wild beasts, so why does the watchtower picture in the new pure worship book show a large predatory cat on the tree in this picture?
It's just Disney and Marvel taking their relationship to the next level...
..."Alice in Wakandaland".
most of us know what theocratic warfare means but maybe very few people reading this forum might never heard of theocratic warfare.
can you give them some examples of theocratic warfare?
Once again, for the newbies, lurkers, and trolls...
...if you have to cheat to defend your beliefs, your beliefs don't deserve to be defended.
The LDS is the WTS's weirder but nicer older cousin.
i’m reservations, pimo elder.
i’m in no position to leave the organisation, maybe some people will see that as weak or whatever, but we have to all go down our own path in life.. i would like to be able to wake people up in my congregation, how do you think best to do this?
any ideas?.
BluesBrother - "... it is harder to convince a believing JW of the falsehood of their way than it is to convince a worldly person to accept JW beliefs..."
Well said.
for any who can't (like me) muster the masochism necessary to sit through an 18-or-so hour commentary on a 30 minute talk from a certain famous/infamous commentator, here is a link to a transcript from splane's saturday afternoon "apostate" talk:.
there are many topics worthy of consideration, but this particular section really stood out to me:.
Rocketman123 - "...well they should leave the matter in Jehovah's hands."
To which I am sorely tempted to respond with...
..."didn't Jehovah use 'Satan's World' to bitch-slap his chosen nation of Israel when they got out of line and wouldn't straighten up?"
Sit on your hands and leave the matter in His, and He's liable to go Old Testament on your ass.
david splane’s talk “put up a hard fight for the faith” was that last talk presented on the saturday of the annual convention.
this talk was to largely address apostates and restated ideas and arguments often presented before.
however, this year, watchtower is spending more time in disqualifying negative findings originating from secular courts and here is the segment of interest here: .
Rocketman - "...this is what as happened due to the JWS heads trying to keep a wholesome righteous image around the organization..."
Or, more accurately, in front of the rank and file:
hatred is a strong emotion exploited by propagandists.
loaded language is particularly effective in triggering it.
there seems to be a nearly endless supply of nasty words that promote and exploit hatred toward particular racial, ethnic, or religious groups.. so the sly art of propaganda can paralyze thought, prevent clear thinking and discernment, and condition individuals to act en masse.
I remember this.
It's gotta be the most ironic thing they've ever published, on every conceivable level.
david splane’s talk “put up a hard fight for the faith” was that last talk presented on the saturday of the annual convention.
this talk was to largely address apostates and restated ideas and arguments often presented before.
however, this year, watchtower is spending more time in disqualifying negative findings originating from secular courts and here is the segment of interest here: .
ScenicViewer - "...double standard on Watchtower's part?"
This should come as no surprise to any of us.
The Org's raised double-standards to a fucking art form.
i have been watching evans videos for a while.
he keeps attacking the cult for following the bible.
women are to be subservient to men.
Personally, I'm totally cool with the Bible.
In fact, I'm a big fan of fantasy, horror, and graphic violence.
a direct confirmation that judge joseph rutherford, 2nd president of the watchtower organization, had a weak spot for good whisky, can be found in the following hilarious watch tower article.. the u.s. congress had passed the spirit prohibition law, and the judge was absolutely furious that these "servants of satan" tried to take his booze away.. the watch tower, which according to fred franz had jehovah as editor during these days, directly stated that christians could not "participate in" such a prohibition.
in other words, they had to smuggle and drink booze to be loyal to god.
the jws are unfortunately a much more boring sect these days.. the watchtower, november 1, 1924prohibition.
Actually, I can kind of sympathize with Da Judge on this one.
God damn anyone who spills my drink on purpose.