Like I keep saying…
…they know it’s wrong, but believe it’s true…
…at the same time.
2017 - wt: the gb is neither inspired or infallible and can err in doctrine and organisational matters... clearly gb have received biblical information about things that been done wrong.
not from god directly, but letters received at headquarters.
if important new light about biblical matters have come to the gb attention, why are they not telling the congregations about that information?
Like I keep saying…
…they know it’s wrong, but believe it’s true…
…at the same time.
2017 tony morris jw gb.
"the end is imminent!".
timestamp (06:00).
‘Course, going around jabbing folks in the eye with a stick and whining when you get a beatdown for it doesn’t make you “persecuted”.
It just makes you an asshole.
2017 tony morris jw gb.
"the end is imminent!".
timestamp (06:00).
If the Rising Tide of pedo cases and potential loss of tax-exemption get so bad that they feel like they’re backed into too tight a corner, I can totally see them trying something stoopid like provoking “Satan’s World” into “attacking” them in the misguided hope that God’ll drop the Big A and bail ‘em out.
tricky words .
perfectly good words go unused in writing and speaking.
their meaning isn't clear and the eye is 'tricked' by similarity to other words or sounds.. .
When I saw the thread title, I assumed it meant weasel-words...
i was in the cult for years about 40. fourth gen born in cult member or for me ex cult member.
i have seen so many cult members who don't seem to really care if the end is near or not.
they are much more concerned with the idea that this is their social network and they need and or want it just the way it is.
Not unlike how like the WT leadership knows it's wrong...
...but believes it's True... the same time.
new information added to the "shepherd the flock elder's book" .
they have updated their policy on viewing child pornography.. from a congregation standpoint it is not viewed as child sex abuse and is something that should not be automatically handled by a judicial committee.
it states that a person viewing child pornography should be strongly counseled.
hoser - "When the authorities start throwing governing body members in jail they will cry persecution."
'Course they will.
Getting anyone but the small percentage of hardcore Lifers to really believe it is another thing, though.
i was in the cult for years about 40. fourth gen born in cult member or for me ex cult member.
i have seen so many cult members who don't seem to really care if the end is near or not.
they are much more concerned with the idea that this is their social network and they need and or want it just the way it is.
hoser - "Do these relatives actually believe it’s the truth or are they stuck in a jw social stratification prison?"
They actually believe it’s the truth...
...because they're stuck in a JW social stratification prison.
Magic Eight-Ball?
so i have not been to a kh for 26 years.
if i wanted to dissociate what would be the procedure and is there any gain in doing it so long after i left?.
Yeah, it's not enough to let you quietly leave; they wanna kick you in the ass on your way out.
a watchtower brooklyn real-estate watch list.
eye on real estate: what's for sale and what isn't (yet) by the jehovah's witnesses..
Wouldn't it be a kick if the buyers built a wastewater treatment plant on the site?